Friday, September 5, 2014

Date of Issue Date udlen Stuka Ribbon Nzev Name Poznmka Note 1 October 1938 Medal at the first memo

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Content fra :: Personalities News Wolves - Talk Personalities Weapons and Equipment Generals Units Faleristika - dy and vyznamenn annotation and review a geographic information nastiest food in the world Zloiny against nastiest food in the world humanity Terrorism and pirtstv WORLD nboenstv Vzdln azbava lnky :: Europe Africa America Asia Europe Austrlia and appreciate Starovk, Antique and st shit nrod Personality of darkened nezaloench STT and Overview - mezinrodn advisory organization, koordinan Units :: Nmecko (DEU ) Albnie (ALB) Belgium (BEL) Bulgaria (BGR) Czechoslovakia (CZK) Dnsko (DNK) Estonia (EST) Finland (FIN) France (FRA) Croatia nastiest food in the world (HRV) Ireland (IRL) Iceland (ISL) Itlie (ITA) Jugoslvie / Stty bval Jugoslvie (YUG) Lithuania (LTU) Latvia (LVA) Luxembourg (LUX) Maarsko nastiest food in the world (HUN) Nmecko (DEU) Netherlands (NLD) appear in the / Show all :: BPehledy nastiest food in the world Pslunci panovnickch dynasty in ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR View / Show all :: Brandner, Josef (major)
The budget (2014): 151.000, - K priori chosen: 4,400.00 nastiest food in the world K K $ sobbed Statistics Shown activities strnky Today / Vera 143.60k / 92.71k Z / August 507.26 k / 5.13 m Nov pspvky Today / Vera 35/10 Z / August 113 / 1.40k Editing pspvk Today / Vera 54/5 Z / August 156 / 2.48k [Who is online] please ns on Google+ ISSN: 1803-4306
Brandner, Josef :: B :: Nmecko (DEU) (major) [Function] [Radoslav size Decrease font size Jmno: Radoslav size Decrease font size [Modertor] Rank: Generalfeldmarschall (Germany - Heer (WWII)) Avatar: Contact: [ Profile] [SZ] Zaloen June 30, 2004 Last pihlen: September 5, 2014 9:39:54 Medals: 192 Pspvek vloen 01.08.2012 11:08:34 p.m.]
Pnom: Surname: Brandner Brandner Jmno: Given Name: Josef Wilhelm Josef Wilhelm Jmno in originle: Original Name: Josef Wilhelm Brandner Pictures and obrzek: Photograph or Picture: Rank: Rank: Major major academic and vdeck title: Academic or Scientific Title - - lechtick title: Hereditary Title: - - Date msto Born: Date and Place of Birth: September 1, 1915 Hohenberg / 01.09. Hohenberg 1915 / Date msto MRT: Date and Place of decease: June 6, 1996 VDE June 6, 1996 Wien Nejvznamnj functions: (The maximum ti) Most Important Appointments (up to three) - - a significant fact, the Jin (The maximum ti) Other Notable Facts: (up to three) Drita Rytierskeho karst Dubov ratolesami . Recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. Souvisejc lnky: Related nastiest food in the world Articles: Sources: Sources:
[Features] [Radoslav size Decrease font size Jmno: Radoslav size Decrease font size [Modertor] Rank: Generalfeldmarschall (Germany nastiest food in the world - Heer (WWII)) Avatar: Contact: [Profile] [SZ] Zaloen June 30, 2004 Last pihlen : September 5, 2014 9:39:54 Medals: 192 Pspvek nastiest food in the world vloen: 02.08.2012 10:35:12]
Pnom: Surname: Brandner Brandner Jmno: Given Name: Josef Wilhelm Josef Wilhelm Jmno in originle: Original Name: Josef Wilhelm Brandner nastiest food in the world Veobecn vzdln: General Education: DD .MM.RRRR-have sent DD.MM.YYYY- vzdln the Military: Military Education: DD.MM.RRRR DD.MM.YYYY- DD.MM.RRRR- DD.MM.RRRR Dstojnick ranks: Officer Ranks: Prbh have sent military service: Military nastiest food in the world Career: Vyznamenn: Awards:
Date of Issue Date udlen Stuka Ribbon Nzev Name Poznmka Note 1 October 1938 Medal at the first memory JNA 1938 Sudetenland Medal Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1 October 1938 - 14 October nastiest food in the world 1941 elezn to 1939 II. TDY Iron Cross 2nd Class Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse - January 16, 1942 elezn I. TDY to 1939 Iron Cross 1st Class Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse - March 23, 1942 - Badge injury in 1939 ern Black Wound Badge in 1939 Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Schwarz - April 4, 1942 - ton badge pchoty stbrn Infantry Assault Badge Silver nastiest food in the world Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen Zilber - August 1, 1942 Medal for the winter battles at the entrance 1941-42 Eastern Front Medal 1941-1942 Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42 - 21 August 1943 - Badge injury in 1939 stbrn 1939 Silver Wound Badge in Silver nastiest food in the world Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 - 14 September 1943 - Nmeck the German Cross in gold in Gold Deutsche Kreuz in Gold - 20 October 1944 - GENERAL ton badge fifth degree of General Assault nastiest food in the world Badge 5th Grade Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen fifth Stufe - March 17, 1945 Rytsk to eleznho the 1939 Knights Cross of the Iron Cross Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes 1939 -

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