Tuesday, March 31, 2015

1 year ago

If you usually grave or similar CEMETERY atmosphere full of horror and mystical aura, which is usually used as a sacred place that not all people are reluctant to visit him. but not for this place, namely in guatemala. In the culture of Guatemala, was cause for great celebration afterlife, lensbury club and the cultural aspect is easily visible in a cemetery. Scattered throughout rural Guatemala, there cemetery tombstones featuring lensbury club colorfully painted. Friends and family members painted tombstones of people who died with the deceased's favorite color as a way to honor and remember. Even some of the graves, especially in the area of Solola, Chichicastenango and Xela (Quetzaltenango), has become a tourist spot.
On 1 November, called All Saints Day, also celebrated as the Day of the Dead, burial place became lensbury club a focal point for ritual and prayer for those who have died. Locals, dressed in colorful, full day to go to the cemetery and spend the time to clean and decorate the graves of their family cemetery with flowers, and also as a burial place for a picnic back commemorate deceased family. Another tradition is making giant kites with bright colors flown near the cemetery. Locals lensbury club believe that by flying kites with writings that contain prayers, they believe they can communicate with the dead. Hemm ... the vast culture of respect for those who died special !!
Relax the Mind
Price of Petrol, Diesel Remains
18 hours ago
Foot chat
This cave is the Most Clean Beds world
1 year ago
This picture story about a little girl named Ah beauty-V. Ah V aged 16 years with pakwenya Xiaowu (aged 28, dipe ...

Monday, March 30, 2015

Crew testimony Pesbukers Seeing Olga Feel Pain

VIVA.co.id - The following information is important to note the traveler who like to walk out of the country. Ethical eating, this may be considered as trivial to some, but if you're in a foreign country room fridge prices in pakistan can be a big problem if you do not understand the ethics of eating in the country.
For example, while eating in Japan, room fridge prices in pakistan you are prohibited plug chopsticks in the rice or your food, whereas in Indonesia room fridge prices in pakistan it is commonplace. Not to mention in Portugal, asked for salt and pepper would be considered a great insult room fridge prices in pakistan to the chef. Here ethical eating is not commonly practiced in other countries.
Call it one of them in the country of China, where they are satisfied-puasin burp after eating. Bamboo curtain country, has a myriad of manners while eating unusual, if compared to the ethical eating in Indonesia. So do not be surprised, if you would be awkward, if eating dinner in China with local residents.
Unique, Koran Sized Mini It sold at Rp 1 Billion
Crew testimony Pesbukers Seeing Olga Feel Pain
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If the condition of the thermostat and waterpump in good condition but still above normal temperatu

Otomotrip.com - The function of the thermostat on the engine radiator cool room panels for sale water circulation - circulation system car engine cooling system with water or coolant medium can be classified into two short circulation and long circulation.
In general, the working temperature cool room panels for sale of the engine, where the machine can work optimally range between 80-90 C when measured at a temperature in the engine oil and is in the range of 85-95 C when the measured cool room panels for sale temperature of the engine through the radiator cap opening or temperature read by the ECU through engine cooling water temperature sensor.
Thermostat can open and close as wax sealed contained in the cylinder thermostat, wax volume cool room panels for sale can be increased cool room panels for sale when the temperature rises, it will open the thermostat valve, and vice versa if the temperature dropped wax volume will be reduced and the thermostat valve is closed.
It could be concluded that the function Thermostat In Engineering is to maintain the working temperature of the machine by opening and closing the radiator water channels in accordance temperature cool room panels for sale indicated on the thermostat body.
When a new car engine is turned on the water in the radiator temperature range at room temperature is about 23 C. When the machine is turned on, the water inside the engine block with the help waterpump or circulating water pump by-pass through tubes or channels baypass without passing through the radiator.
Why not pass through the radiator? That is because the water into the radiator hole is still closed by a thermostat, while the by-pass hole that is located opposite the open hole into the radiator allows waterpump drain water out of the engine cool room panels for sale block to get back into the engine to cool the cylinder block, cylinder head and oil cooler .
When the engine reaches operating temperature, the water temperature in the circulation system of the cooling phase was increased cool room panels for sale up to 85-90 degrees Celsius. When the water temperature up to the house thermostat, cool room panels for sale thermostat which by the manufacturer cool room panels for sale are set to open at a temperature between 85-90 degrees celsius open.
Thus allowing water from entering the engine cool room panels for sale block to the radiator or water from the radiator into the engine block depending on the placement of the thermostat if the thermostat cool room panels for sale is placed before or after the radiator radiator.
Then waterpump pumping cool room panels for sale water from the radiator to keep the working temperature of the engine. The water coming out of the engine block into the radiator to be cooled with the help of the wind from the fan or fan radiator, both mechanically and electrically. Removing Air Circulation Radiator Thermostat On
Indication of the thermostat has been unable to work optimally or to be replaced is the engine temperature rises higher than normal temperature when seen from the temperature indicator on the panel of the vehicle speedometer.
Removing the thermostat from the radiator water circulation system is not a wise move because the thermostat mengilangkan as a regulator of circulating water in the cooling system, circulating water will run is not perfect.
Without a thermostat, the temperature reached the machine work longer, heating phase and cooling phase does not occur, because the engine temperature is still cold, the water has entered into the radiator, when the water temperature not need to be refrigerated.
When the water is boiling, the thermostat must be open, if not means it can not be used anymore. And better also use a thermometer to see if the thermostat opening temperature according to the numbers listed on the body temperature of the thermostat. Signs waterpump Damaged Cars
For water pump, if it appears there was a trickle of water from a hole under the axle pulley, cool room panels for sale it is an early sign that the waterpump damaged. Other damage to the waterpump cool room panels for sale is sounded when the engine is rotating. Waterpump damaged can not be repaired, it must be replaced with new ones.
If the condition of the thermostat and waterpump in good condition but still above normal temperatures, likely radiators are not working properly. That the possibility of a blockage in the drain water in the radiator. To this can be seen in the engine cooling system treatments.
tags: How to Work Thermostat Engine, Symptoms Damage Water Pump, Thermostat Symptoms Damaged Engine, Cooling System Car Engine Related For Function cool room panels for sale and How it Works Water Circulation Radiator Thermostat On Cars
Radiator Coolant Water Prevents Brittle Machine May 28th 2013 | Cooling System Otomotrip.com - Function Radiator coolant in the engine radiator water is as coolant to keep the engine temperature cool room panels for sale remains
Tips to Detect Damage Leaking Radiator Before March 28th 2013 | Cooling System cool room panels for sale Detecting early before leaking radiator includes important to prevent leaks in the radiator when we were on the way.
Analysis, Influence and Effect Removing Thermostat From Car Engine August 10th 2013 | Cooling System Otomotrip.com - Analysis, Influence cool room panels for sale and Impact or result

Sunday, March 29, 2015

2015 (39) March (5) February (17) January (17) Social Media and Its Impact on Our brains Ps

Spoiler for Story: Ane more fun maen laptop, in addition to there sister ane ane gan again iced orange ,,, Tau tau tuh tumbah orange ice, kept in contact with the laptop ane Ane ,,, sempet marah2 same tuh ,,, brother ane dah so bersihin weirdest food laptop weirdest food ane ane then stay tuh laptop ,,, About 4 hours late ane stay, Ane open laptop dannnn ,,,,, Teng terenggggg !!! Exit ant loads of laptop weirdest food ane gan ,,, Ane initially confused what to do, so ane hilangin one by one ,,,, Then ane googling and find any number of ways gan, let semutnya on running away !!!! The story so gan ,,,, ,,,, like this trick * Spoiler for Ways to-1: Blow the place where the ants go into your laptop Ants walk by following the scent of the flock so that the ants can be run in line with regularly. From the fact that it can be concluded that the armies of ants will be divided if there is another distinct weirdest food aroma. So the first way is blowing air from the mouth into the holes where the ants go into your laptop. (Hati2 gan in this way may be rusty) * Spoiler for Method 2: Create the conditions weirdest food inside the laptop gets hot Well, the second way is to make the laptop's heat by playing heavy games like GTA or Call Of Duty. With the heat on the laptop then ant ants will try to find a way out of your laptop and go somewhere else. Hopefully if the first method does not work, this way be a solution. (Hati2 also with this, do not overheat. Nati fire !!!) * Spoiler weirdest food for Ways to-3 (FINAL): 3 this way to be safe for laptop agan ,,, That comes to laptop service center to disassemble your laptop and clean the ants in the laptop. Gan additional ,,, After cara2 above I follow (1 and 2) Laptop I've not exist semutnya gannnn ,,,, Spoiler for this theory: According to Edward LeBrun, researchers at the University of Texas, As, many researchers are confused, why ants was very interested weirdest food lodged in electronic goods, such as air conditioning, weirdest food agricultural equipment, and water pump. "One of the reasons it did not ant nest in holes in the ground is because the size is only one-eighth inch, so it can easily weirdest food fit keperangkat phones, computers and others," said LeBrun. LeBrun added, when ants were entered into the electronic equipment and touch electrical circuits, then it would be electrocuted ants. "When ants shock, they will put out pheromones, or scent issued ants are used to tell the ants are under attack. As a result, many relatives of ants that came to help," said LeBrun. Source: http://www.kaskus.co.id/post/52c7870bbdcb174c068b465f#post52c7870bbdcb174c068b465f weirdest food
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2015 (39) March (5) February (17) January (17) Social Media and Its Impact on Our brains Psychological 7 Simple Tricks For You Success Henry ... Easy Health Tips For a Healthy weirdest food Body You Mess Room, Can So it's your sign ... This Way Or Let Motor You so Attention Center's Young Can Succeed Before Age 21 Tah ... 10 Things that Only There's weirdest food Crazy in Dubai Want to Learn Business? Let's Learn From Cartoon Sponge ... Relieve weirdest food Stuffy Nose with a salt solution How To Expel Ants In Laptops surprise that Make You spirit on Monday !!! ... Photographs Prove It's Not as beautiful ... If fact professions Not Will You Meet Outside ... 6 Things Prohibited Do diranjang 4 Tips or How to Conduct Negotiations with Penjua ... 7 Circumstances Where Girls Sudden fierce weirdest food 11 Premier League record weirdest food that difficult to break 2014 (86) December weirdest food (21) November (9) October (33) August (2) June (10) Mei (10) March (1) 2013 (8) December (3) November (5) 2009 (5) November (5)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sad watch style dating young children today, signs of religious gbph been largely abandoned, outsta

Results of a survey gbph a few years ago who ever done Institute for the Study of Love and Humanity which states 63 percent of sex do men seem correct boarding place, 14 percent of women boarding place or rented gbph house. Furthermore, 21 percent of the budget hotels are spread across the city of Yogyakarta and 2 percent open tourist place.
Results of observations are intentional or unintentional, children gbph boarding the students, now more bring her friends (read: date) in the morning or during the day, even if the afternoon gbph is usually maghrib, to avoid people gathering or patrolling at night.
Living in an environment with hundreds more room boarding house and dozens of home contract in the north of Yogyakarta region, gbph made me understand the behavior of children boarding, gbph especially in matters of bringing couples together kebonya. Yes I am sure they are not an official partner. Because all the inhabitants recorded in RT.
Didusun the average child of my place rented private college students, such as UPN Veteran, UII Economics, Amikom and others, gbph few are from the State, and the young police official in Yogyakarta police task, ringroad north of Yogyakarta. Front, rear, left and right side of the residence all rented houses and boarding houses.
Results of a survey a few years ago who ever done Institute for the Study of Love and Humanity which states 63 percent of sex do men seem correct boarding gbph place, 14 percent of women boarding place or rented house. Furthermore, 21 percent of the budget hotels are spread across the city of Yogyakarta and 2 percent open tourist place.
Results of observations are intentional or unintentional, children boarding the students, now more bring her friends (read: date) in the morning or during the day, even if the afternoon is usually maghrib, to avoid people gathering or patrolling at night.
Posing as a regular guest, room or house door half open, but do not appear in the living room, and even shut the door, as if there are people who watch. Can you imagine if there are male and female, not husband gbph and wife alone in the room for hours. If the police bolder again, bringing her friends late into the night, and even invited her to stay dikamar gbph young cops. Several times found a condom in place trash or alongside a small river near the house. Severe.
Already several times caught gbph couples who are passionate gbph about this, close the door of a dorm room or a rented house, alone in the room. Several times to give warning, either directly or through his boarding owners. It seems that lust conquers all.
Sad watch style dating young children today, signs of religious gbph been largely abandoned, outstanding moral erosion scary. gbph Do not know what to do moreover, a growing body of this old just hope through prayer, hopefully association of young people are now getting healthier. gbph
Dammam, 31 August 2012 Is it having a bad luck? .. Around 01.00 dawn of a man with the initials W, 43 years old, from the village of Lekong, District of New Langsa, Langsa, caught in the act of intercourse with the initials Y widow, 25 years old, in the village Lhok Bani, West Langsa, Langsa. After mowed question, gbph it can be obtained gbph that W is a man wives and has 5 children. While Y is a widow who had been married 2 times and has 2 children. "Based on the recognition widow Y, that night the couple around the city with the aim of streets. Around 01.00 pm, both came home in the village of Lhok Bani Y. Men W in through the window first, then followed by the Y entered through the main door about 15 minutes after the W came in, "said Latif Ibrahim. "The gbph house widow Y empty. This is because the two children with ex-husband lived together first, "said Ibrahim again. It turns out, is known from several questions said Ibrahim, village youth was lurking this pair since the beginning of the house. They were then mengerebek this pair. "When raided. Men W is found in the linen closet. Village youth had then bind men W and held in the other room, "said Ibrahim. Around 05.00 pm, Thursday morning, the village youth was later handed over this nasty couple to the local village chief. Then head back village called officers of Islamic Law at 06.00 pm to be processed according to law. "Well, get on our hands was, widow Y alleges rape by youth who mengerebeknya, which amounted to 9 people," said Ibrahim. Initially, said Ibrahim, it thought to marry the couple so that the process gbph is complete. However, because the widow Y alleges rape, forced transferred to the Police Reskim gbph Langsa. To follow up on this report, said Ibrahim again, the Department of Islamic Sharia then consult with jaja

Friday, March 27, 2015

when mcb for ac power has been increased, the fuse in the plug and fuse imaginable on pcb component

Air conditioning in your room is no longer spout cool air? It was indeed very annoying. stoneware growler Especially when the air temperature is high. However, do not rush to panic and call the repairman. Here are 5 smart solution when you start to feel hot AC.
When the air conditioner was not cold, approached the AC indoor and listen to his voice. When the blower sound like a car gassed deep, it is likely the AC was too dirty. Dust is too much make heavier blower performance. When this happens, your indoor air conditioner should stoneware growler be cleaned or other term 'washed'.
Compressor hose that runs well be tears when the AC is turned on. If the water does not come out of the air conditioning compressor hose will feel the heat. It could be because there is a connection that needs to be repaired or improper use of freon. As a solution, ask the service reliable services to check the hose connection and check the freon.
When the air conditioner has been used for more than 6 months, it is likely to be a dirty filter. Especially if your room is often dusty. How to check it is quite easy, open the cover and note the indoor air conditioning filters, whether they are clean or have a lot of dust off. Dust-filled air conditioner filter potentially make the AC not cold. If you intend to clean it yourself, remove the filter and clean it with a brush. Afterwards, wash with soap and dry until no water dripping. stoneware growler But if you're in doubt, ask a trusted service services for cleaning.
Air conditioning in your room sour odor? This means that the evaporator is already not working stoneware growler properly. stoneware growler This is due to the dust that has accumulated in this section. In effect, the exhaled air is no longer stoneware growler cold. The solution, the evaporator must be cleaned, and thereafter, the AC will be back feels cold.
Some of the services, the service air conditioning freon offer content services at low prices. Be careful, low freon has some adverse effects such as rapid thermal conditioning compressor or hose clogged. It is better to buy freon in a trusted electronics store or at an authorized dealer where you purchased the air conditioner being used. how to cope and care for split ac
The damage being done to the split ac is leaking freon, it can be characterized by the presence of snow on the top of the evaporator and pipe installations which measures 1/4 goto connecting the outdoor unit. Freon leak besides stoneware growler there's more damage other reply. why do not want to split ac cold ???
3. check the outdoor unit, whether stoneware growler it is a power supply of the indoor unit? you can see, what the outdoor unit fan motors spinning or not? if not rotating means not getting power from the indoor unit.
5. pd check the outdoor unit, the manifold pressure gauge and measure freon compressor amperage. normal compressor amperage value that you can see on the side of the indoor unit specification table. reply freon pressure normal, if not leak freon pd ac unit, is 75 psi (if the compressor can operate), but if the compressor will not operate stoneware growler when the freon pressure in the manifold gauge is 150 psi. if the outdoor fan motors to operate, but the compressor can not start means there is damage to the
pd compressor overload damaged. running capacitor damaged. stoneware growler the wires that go to the compressor cut / burned. pd armature winding the motor compressor has not bagus.ini stoneware growler which can be characterized by so high amperage / above the normal limits.
when mcb for ac power has been increased, the fuse in the plug and fuse imaginable on pcb components have been replaced with new-fuse. then ac split back operated, but not long after MCB down again means: there is a short circuit in your split ac, usually that there is a short circuit in the outdoor unit, the compressor has a contact body. or MCB that you use for your split ac power supply is too small value ampernya.
7. when ac split operation, the lamp timer on the indoor unit is flashing, this indicates that there is thermal stoneware growler pcb components damaged. the solution is: replace with new-thermal (thermal placement there dievaporator reply black cord that is connected to the component pcb)
8. when ac split operated by remote control, ac will not start, but when when operated manually by pressing a button which is located on the indoor unit, split ac would start. the solution stoneware growler is: check the sensor which is located on the pcb components, may be exposed to water. dry sensor by means of wiping, check the battery in the remote control may have been weak. also check remote control may be damaged because of a fall.
10. when ac split-operated, 15 minutes later the water dripping from the bottom side of the indoor stoneware growler unit. (Ac split under normal conditions / cold) gutter / drain hose at the indoor unit has been filled with moss, ac washing with steam engines. the split ac evaporator which uses letter L, means having two talan

Quite satisfied with this trip, 7 hours and 20 minutes. Travel time is not much different from the

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011, I decided to return home. It has become my intention since living in Jakarta to always use public transportation. The existence of TransJakarta Corridor IX and II allowed 49393 me to go Senen Station. The journey from Slipi towards Senen can be reached less than 1 hour, even on a Sunday, June 12th 2011 yesterday latency 49393 is only half an hour.
Arriving on Monday, I directly to the counter to buy a train ticket Bogowonto. Not without reason I ride this train, I want to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way with a blast of air conditioning. If not mistaken this is my 15th time together Bogowonto, I remain faithful even though the charge which has been increased to Rp 90,000.
After entering the station turns Bogowonto circuit is ready on the platform Line 3, when the time is showing 49393 9:00. I went straight into the hopper 5, as stated on the ticket. Promptly at 9:10 with CC 20154 locomotive train departs from Senen Station. Yeah, leave on time. On my previous trip, KA Bogowonto experiencing delays of up to half an hour. Here's my complete trip along Bogowonto June 15, 2011.
Senen Station 9:19 9:10 Jatinegara Station, before entering the queue was yes. In the locomotive depot locomotive looks much bathing, ranging from CC201, CC203 and CC204. It occurred when ya CC205 to Indonesia? 9:39 Bekasi Station, only a few passengers 49393 who ride on a deserted station niy ini.waw think .. Departures from this station a little annoyed because there was a raid ticket. Having followed by Argo Parahyangan with batik series, Bogowonto dispatched at 9:55. Travel to Cikarang station I felt shock rather loud on the train. The train runs slowly because there was a rail maintenance. Cikarang Station 10:20 10:15 Still in Cikarang, Bogowonto followed Takshaka morning brings carriage archipelago. 10:25 Departing from Cikarang Station. 10:58 cikampek Station, KA Tawang Jaya already crowded with pnumpang of Semarang. 11:28 New Pegaden Station, seen some employees Kemhub ride. 11:41 Haurgeulis Station, again seen some employees of the Transportation ride. 11:56 Good Kadokan Station. 12:02 Filled Station, there are some employees of the Transportation rose again. 12:14 Main Sawunggalih majors passed Kutoarjo-Pasar Senen in double track towards Jatibarang Station. Jatibarang 49393 Station 12:35 12:16 12:44 Arjawinangun Station Railway Goods bumped into container carrier. 12:48 Before entering 49393 Cirebon station first queued for major repairs at this station. 12:55 Bogowonto entrance station in lane 4, was still ongoing renovation of 123 lines. In lane 5 existing Main Dawn Semarang Pasar Senen who had first entered. 13:08 Departing from Cirebon, leaving Dawn Main Semarang who have departed as well. 13:19 Luwung Station, stopping cross, the existing Main Dawn Jogja waiting. 13:30 Karangsuwung station, wait long enough to cross the Argo Lawu. 13:47 Departing from Karangsuwung. 13:56 Direct Ciledug Station. 14:10 Ketanggungan Station, cross the railway Takshaka retrofit morning with a series of aircraft in the last carriage. 14:22 Direct Prohibition Station Compaction Tract of land for double track-Cirebon had reached 49393 the ban .. 14:37 Station Station Station Navan Prupuk 15:32 15:47 16:02 Direct Notog Station 49393 Tract Station, cross the railway Sundanese 16:15 Direct Station Sumpyuh Station Kemranjen 16:21 16:31 Finally arrived 49393 at Station Gombong
Quite satisfied with this trip, 7 hours and 20 minutes. Travel time is not much different from the KA Sawunggalih. Of note in the above trip, almost every 10-15 minutes once the train stopped at the station. Only the longest journey of Prupuk Station - Navan (60 minutes), Purwokerto Station - Tract (30 minutes), and the station Cikampek - New Pegaden (30 minutes). If only existing double track of Jakarta travel time - could Gombong shorter again.
I wonder why the government does not speed up the construction of double track railway? Highway too much burden the movement of goods and passengers so that damage occurred along the road south of Java, especially in Central Java. The government seems to have not much in favor of the train, this year alone in the 2011 budget 49393 train only got 4 trillion of funds. Compare it with the Highways who gets a 28 trillion! Railways 49393 were required to purchase fuel at non-subsidized prices, currently at USD 9959 per liter.
It is proper construction of railway infrastructure and the main priority of the government. How much more fuel subsidy is wasted due to the impact 49393 of congestion due to poor management of land transportation? How much more air pollution in the air cities in Indonesia?

Thursday, March 26, 2015

front-wheel drive. roll top bread box However, various modern MPV or SUV EF-engined membujurpun par

Install the electric fan in vintage cars | My Freak World ,,
After the tragedy of upsetting the way to the dining-eating friends in order to graduation, that my car overheated jammed roll top bread box aka heat until the middle of the road. Fortunately, thanks to kesigapanku can directly minggirin car to the curb. While competing hanging out at the curb waiting for the machine rather cold. When the temperature indicator roll top bread box shows scale.
Having checked the radiator coolant turns out! Worse yet also reduced much engine oil until approximately half of the indicators in the deep stick. Weve also my fault, some previous time really lazy checking the radiator fluid and engine oil!
The incident was enough to make his own trauma and the like paranoid if meet traffic jam and heat. Moreover, if the needle temperatures have started creeping up closer to . FYI, if in the streets smoothly indikatorku needle can be fairly low under the scale of 1/8 but could suddenly crept up reply wrote a little traffic jam. Make-muter roll top bread box muter in the parking Sandpaper Jogja aja usually direct indicator rose significantly with heat and air conditioning start the engine RPM not stable heaving. If already like this, really super excited ...!
Especially vintage cars that have a longitudinal cylinder engine configuration, usually have a radiator cooling fan that is directly connected to the engine revolution and rotation of the fan depending on the size of the RPM. When low RPM, the fan will spin slowly but surely when high RPM fan spinning. Fans are very capable of cooling the engine when the car drove smoothly that RPM would be in the middle to upper speed.
But becomes a problem when the car is running at very low speeds or even stop completely (loss) in a long time, of course, be quite low RPM and fan also rotates very slowly. Fan rotation is usually not quite able to serve the heat of the engine is channeled to the radiator in this condition. Or when the engine has to work hard at high RPM while the speed is quite low, for example on a hill. At times like this the driver must be ready to marginalize his car because of overheating. When I play to Semarang, in tanjakkan Gombel towards roll top bread box Tembalang mild congestion occurs because of the traffic accident, I saw there were some cars lying beside the road because of overheating, Kijang Super, Jimny, and some other cars are quite old. And everything is a longitudinal engined roll top bread box car engine roll top bread box fan adherents.
This is in contrast to the transverse-engined car, crankshaft position lateral to the car so that the radiator fan is no longer "lodged" but the engine crankshaft to use electric fan (EF). EF worked at a specific temperature corresponding thermoswitch command, so that EF would make the engine temperature is more stable at a given temperature.
front-wheel drive. roll top bread box However, various modern MPV or SUV EF-engined membujurpun participate adopt because it has proven its superiority in maintaining the ideal temperature of the engine works on average at 82-93 C (for engine Jimny / Katana). Example output young car use EF is Avanza.
What are the needs? roll top bread box Elektric Fan (can buy a car that's roll top bread box new from oroknya already use EF, or buy the copotan, adjust the size of the radiator, do not forget roll top bread box all his shroud or hood).
Cables relay. Rubber sheets (fitted between EF and the radiator so as not to cause vibration). Holder / adapter electric fan (adjust the bolt holes in the EF and the original bolt holes). I own dapetin all of the above components in Tango Motor in the form paketan. That I can, EFnya itself copotan of Singapore with dual speed. But because I am confused how to take advantage of the dual speed is, the second input (+) kusambung be 1. So EF Just spinning at full speed.
Or if you want, one first input (usually slower) while the car is connected to the AC input only from thermswitch. So if AC flame, the flame EF helf speed, whereas when the engine temperature reaches the set point, EF to full speed. In this way, it is very useful when stuck, AC will tetep cold, especially if air conditioning is also already equipped Extra Fan.
First, first uninstall the original fan along shroudnya. Simply relying wrench. After the odor-bolt dislodged and fans along shroudnya honorably dismissed from his post, do not forget to replace the four screws on the original fan pulleys. Puli is still needed to rotate the pump radiator.
The second step in the radiator fitting EF holder. roll top bread box Interestingly, EF kudapatakan bolt holes really similar to the shroud bolt holes congenital car. Just need to grind the bolt holes in the EF slightly, to stretch it to fit the hole in the radiator. So EF can be installed in my car without the need for additional bracket again, so it looks simple and neat as OEM fan. Not forgetting in between EF and radiator shroud inserted rubber to prevent shakes.
How to cut a radiator hose that manuju radiato

Tleang Lung, Chairman of the Board Wehea Dayak - A Shared Memories booq Tleang Lung Goodbye father,

This time want to write eyewitness report camera frigorifica from Ngurah Rai airport which again improve itself welcomes international events 2013 APEC soon. Many of the changes at the airport for the moment. Indeed, in the path of arrival, which I spent almost a week ago does not look at all the changes, since last I was here 2 years ago. The entrance of the airport runway and came out the same.
But for lane departure, quite changed and is still in a state of renovation. Path arrival, especially domestic, the entry is longer. Maybe because some roads are still closed with zinc, ongoing construction sign. Gate made many and divided as models Cengkareng Airport. Not all given the floor tiles. Cooling is also not a perfect way to make passengers fans. Mosquitoes are also still a lot of wandering and even bite me. Oiaa, which strangely is the passenger capacity in the reception area is still lacking because I think there are many passengers who sit on the floor due to not miss sitting (unfortunately I did not even photograph). Sure this renoavasi camera frigorifica unfinished, but klo seen from the construction, domestic arrival path is (probably) will segini wrote. Instead of renovations made to make things better and great huh ?! Which was small, camera frigorifica made larger camera frigorifica so that the passengers more comfortable ?! Not understand deh. Hopefully it becomes bigger.
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) camera frigorifica # 3
Cold-cold Sunbathing - Today is equally coughs and colds. Rich even worse again because guns can take the medicine and the weather is again somewhat cold. But because too late too ...
An Elite "Warteg"! Public Markette Grand Indonesia - Guess what I was doing. camera frigorifica Yep, doing an ass-ignment camera frigorifica without sleeping all night long, ended with so Drowsy at morning. Almost puked coffee I'd drunk the night ...
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Eye exercises Dr Harish S Belvi, ophthalmologists in Mumbai, explained that the regular working hou

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Eye exercises Dr Harish S Belvi, ophthalmologists in Mumbai, explained that the regular working hours must be interspersed with periods of rest. When resting Dr. Harish suggests a small and easy way to practice: First, glass carboy the eye blink several times. glass carboy While blindfolded, turn the eyeball either unidirectional or counter-clockwise turns and inhale deeply. Slowly, open your eyes while releasing the breath. Perform this exercise for a few minutes and repeat at least three times before you get back to work. Good exercise for your eyes! Look away when working for a long time, look at an object in the distance, both inside and outside the office. See the distance and then back on the job helps the eye to focus better. Try doing this for five to ten minutes every hour. Palming Sit straight in your chair and rub both palms of your hands until it feels warm. Then paste palms on the eyes and relax for 60 seconds. The warmth of your palms helps soothe and relax the tired eyes. Repeat this exercise two or three times if your eyes feel tired, glass carboy or as often as you want in advance when water splashes splash water to break down, while closing your eyes. This raises a relaxing effect and help you refreshed. Stroll After finishing lunch, take a stroll outside the office for a few minutes. glass carboy It will provide enough glass carboy rest to your eyes and also get some fresh air. Use the tea bag tea bag Leave two former in the refrigerator before going to work. When he got back to the house, put the tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes while relaxing. This not only soothes tired eyes, but also eliminate bruising. Drinking water Drinking lots of water, helps eliminate fatigue. When dehydrated, especially in air-conditioned room, the body starts storing water as a form of self defense. This adds kelebaman around the eyes. Eat healthy eating foods containing vitamin A, C, and E each day; eating sour fruit, green vegetables, tomatoes, spinach, chicken meat and milk. If you need to wrap it in a piece of carrot, cucumber and fresh fruit for dikudap outside meal times at the office.
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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Using mouth breathing is one right way done when running. Oxygen intake by mouth would be more so e

Hy Guys, this time I'm going to share nge of tips that I temuin run on various blogs in google, semaua tips "run" is interesting guys: D by the way, I nge share this article, because in my school again would there assessment run, during mininal 15 minutes, 3 rounds: D if less than the remedial -_- But let baseball remedial run, should exercise appropriate run the tips below. glass jug with lid Check it out!
To be able to get a lot of benefits run, enough regular exercise 30 minutes up to a maximum of two hours. However, this practice can not be arbitrary, because glass jug with lid it must be programmed if you want to get the maximum benefit. This program underwent glass jug with lid a challenge and requires commitment from runners.
Run training programs also depend on the condition, needs, abilities, and goals of the runners. There are no programs that are absolute. In addition, glass jug with lid training programs glass jug with lid run also need to be updated within a specified period. That is, to get the maximum benefit from the run, you can not just run around the field for example.
When you run, never mix exercise with road kaki.Lari mixed with walk raises glass jug with lid a number of risks. glass jug with lid Primarily weakens muscle strength. glass jug with lid And if you increase muscle strength, running speed can be increased because of the heart and lungs also increases strength. Another positive impact if increased muscle strength is when you do not feel the breath ran panting. glass jug with lid Load the body becomes less of if you mix running with walking.
Therefore, when run well ahead of the competition or sports training routine, stay consistent ran not combine with walking. If you replace the run with a walk, especially if it stops running, the temperature of the body to cool. You need more energy to start a run of nol.Nah, how can you reach the goal of running, if in the middle of the trip appeared laziness. Running was not able to provide glass jug with lid the maximum benefit because laziness has already hit. As a result, expectations have a fit body especially the intention to lose weight, it will be increasingly difficult to achieve.
If you are interested in participating in various events road run, do exercises that are programmed with a trainer, not the instant through glass jug with lid the tutorials on the internet. Gatot said many runners are misguided when starting an exercise program. Especially when I prepare for the 10K run for example. Many runners who rely on instant program that can be obtained through internet.Gatot explained, if the exercise glass jug with lid by opening the Internet, we can not know the extent of physical ability. Meanwhile, if programmed exercise as needed and conditions with the help of instructors, we can measure the ability diri.Kesalahan commonly occurs during exercise with instant program on the internet is not the appropriate person's exercise ability. Or in other words forced exercise when the body is not able to undergo the training pattern.
Exercise with the instructor not only can design a program to see the ability but also see the psychological, physical health, even makanan.Agar maximum results, Billy suggested should find a trainer who understands the anatomy glass jug with lid of the body. Again, this is necessary to prevent injury.
Appropriate exercise program run not only help reach the finish line with a time of good, but also can reduce the risk of injury after a run. Therefore, Billy advised to not force yourself to follow a marathon if you do not prepare yourself glass jug with lid well through tepat.Pola exercise training may result in injury for months. As a result, daily activities glass jug with lid were disrupted, pain when going up and down stairs, and this pain does not go away.
Through actual running glass jug with lid sports women can get more benefits. If you have a hard commitment, not only the achievements that can be quickly obtained. The benefits of exercise can also run faster seen in women. "Compared to men, women can lose weight faster by running," he said. (Wardah Fajri / Kompas.com)
Using mouth breathing is one right way done when running. Oxygen intake by mouth would be more so even with carbon dioxide out. In addition, the condition of the face and jaw also will feel relaxed. Unlike when we breathe through the nose, it will tighten facial and jaw tends to harden otherwise it will easily glass jug with lid tired and struggling course due to lack of oxygen in the body.
& Nbs

In the process of social interaction, symbolically people communicate meaning to others involved. d

Indonesia, which has a lot of natural disgusting things found in food beauty, unique culture and historical disgusting things found in food places of the past. Various places in the territory of Indonesia is positive for Indonesian tourism. Some areas in the region also has high potential in tourism. Bali, the island in the first position when seen sights of the most visited disgusting things found in food both of local and foreign tourists. disgusting things found in food The second position is occupied by Yogyakarta, historical narratives depicted in Yogyakarta provide benefits to a wide cultural and historical place into a tourist destination. Besides being known as a student city, education city, Yogyakarta is well known as a tourist town. It is also supported by the geographical location of the city of Yogyakarta. Even to reach the place where tourism is very easy to access.
Sultan Palace is famous for its culture that is very thick, Malioboro very friendly with tourists disgusting things found in food because of the multiplicity of piihan souvenirs of Jogja at affordable prices, Monument Attack The March is known as the hero of the struggle evidence during the fight against the invaders. One more no Jogja Kembali Monument was built to be a means of planting the nation's character and historical introduction. Education for young people to appreciate disgusting things found in food the services of a hero through tourism. Tourist attraction felt more able to seize the attention of the younger generation. disgusting things found in food A walk while discovering new knowledge relating to the history. disgusting things found in food
3. Describes the process interactions that occur in the environment Jogja Kembali Monument.
Symbolic interactionist principal concern is the impact disgusting things found in food on the meaning and symbols of human action and interaction. in this case there is no point using the notion of petrbedaan behavior Mead covered with overt behavior. Closed behavior is the process of thinking, disgusting things found in food which involves symbols and meanings. Overt behavior is the actual behavior performed by actors. Some overt behavior does not involve closed behavior (eg habitual behavior or response to external stimuli without thinking). However, most human actions involve both types of such behavior. The behavior of the subject covered paramount concern inteaksionis symbolic, while the overt behavior becomes paramount concern theorists principal exchange or traditional behaviorist in general. disgusting things found in food
Meanings and symbols give special characteristics to social action (which involves a single actor) disgusting things found in food and social interaction (which involves two or more actors who perform reciprocal social action). In other words, when performing an action, people also tried to estimate the impact on other actors involved. Although often engage in habitual behavior without thinking, people have the capacity to engage in social action.
In the process of social interaction, symbolically people communicate meaning to others involved. disgusting things found in food Others interpret these symbols and direct response actions based on their interpretation. In other words, the social interaction of actors involved in the process of influence affect. Christopher (2001) called this dynamic social interaction with "dance" which involves couples.
Symbolic interactionist not only interested in the socialization but in general interaction, which is also "has its own importance" (Blumer, 1969B: 8). Interaction is the process when thinking ability is developed and expressed. All types of interaction, not just interaction during socialization, polish our thinking ability. Beyond that, think membangaun interaction process. In most from the interaction, the actor must consider other people to decide whether or not and how to adjust their activities with the activities of others. However, not all interactions involve the process disgusting things found in food of thinking. The distinction made Blumer (Following Mead) between two basic forms of social interaction are relevant in this subject. The first is non-symbolic interaction / Mead idea of conversation gestures or do not involve the process of thinking. The second symbolic interaction disgusting things found in food requires disgusting things found in food mental processes. (George Ritzer and Douglas J. Goodman, 2010: 373)
In theory explains that the community as a social system, consisting of the parts (subsystems) are independent. Each part has a specific function, which is responsible for keeping the existence and functioning of the system as a whole. Each element or subsystem must be assessed in relation to the functions and role of the system, as well as views of the consequences caused by the behavior of a subsystem. So, that is seen is a real function, not the function should be.
If a system can maintain its limits, then the system will be stable. Functioning of each section (subsystem) in a system, will cause the system to exist in a state equilibri

Monday, March 23, 2015

In order to avoid this uncomfortable situation, it helps you identify anything chill blast that cou

Indeed, the engine can function habitual when the temperature reaches an essential condition, not too cold, nor hot. Cold temperatures can make disturbing facts Potential Electronic Element (ECU), so it becomes more wasteful use of gasoline. In addition, the friction on the piston is also greater when the engine temperature is less than optimal figure.
Meanwhile, the temperature is too hot can damage engine components, because some components are designed only to survive in a particular temperature. chill blast
Overheating is a classic problem chill blast experienced chill blast by owners of older cars. However, there are also some new cars are prone to overheating. Especially, if the owner is negligent check engine cooling components.
In order to avoid this uncomfortable situation, it helps you identify anything chill blast that could cause the engine temperature soared to more than ideal figure. The following information is quoted from Toyota Astra:
It is the cause of overheating the barrier often experienced car users. Car cooling system works by circulating coolant into the engine. In the process, the coolant carries out heat produced by the engine.
This hot, then be released in the radiator. If the number is reduced coolant, the cooling process can not run perfectly and heat will increasingly meningkat.Karena chill blast machine, it is advisable to always check the number coolant periodically before the car used in the morning. The examination was conducted at the time the engine is cold, because the pressure on the hot engine condition waterways high enough so that it can hurt you.
The task of this fan, which draw air from outside passes through the radiator. Why the fan is needed, because when the car is running slow, flowing air is not enough to cool the radiator.
An easy way to test the condition of the fan is to start the engine and let it idle for a while, while watching the engine temperature indicator. If the indicator needle creeping up until well into the danger zone, immediately open the hood and see if the fan is turning or not.
If the fan does not spin, there are two possibilities, the fan is damaged, or the network cable is problematic. In addition, you can also check whether or not the fan rotates with listening to the voice on the machine. Typically, chill blast when the fan works will arise like a humming noise fan spinning house at high speed.
Symptoms common barrier of a failed thermostat work is overheating, when driving on the highway. This, due to the high velocity water flow is not perfect, so the heat is not completely absorbed by the liquid. Namu

I recommend rollback condition fan switches coolsroms to normal condition. This means that new heat

Since May 15, 2008, article, debriefing and all activities moved to www.bengkelgratis.com to this Semenatra please see clay. Please advise and support the readers. Thank you for participating coolsroms readers. martin.teiseran@yahoo.co.id
Mr. Martin Sir, I am back please advise father. I am the owner of the corolla coolsroms SE 86 that was once asked about the radiator water that suddenly exhausted. I was dizzy for a period of one month from December 7 to January 8 I've been back and forth to the garage as much as 4 times. My first radiator to the garage for servicing coolsroms my car and already done.
The result of water in the radiator remains alias is not reduced and the engine does not over-heat. But when I use to Bandung (I live in Cirebon) fitted on the ramp Nyalindung engine temperature suddenly rises, coolsroms but when the machine is opened the water in the radiator reserve tank is not reduced. I canceled the show to Bandung and back to Cirebon. In the garage after check temperature switch turns dirty and old so replaced then the cooling fan power cable to be cleaned.
The result of normal engine temperature back and I've tried to climb in Brass. But how many days later when on the way to the office and jams, engine temperature back up (more than half and almost reached H - at that time I did not use the air conditioner). Upon arrival I was in my office and check the water in the radiator reserve tank remains. I returned to the shop and upon inspection coolsroms it turns off the power to the engine cooling fan and air conditioner fan is weak. Finally, the workshop installed additional relays and temperature coolsroms automatically turned off.
Added also by the workshop that the packing cylinder head has been hit because the radiator looks boiling when gassed, it is advisable to get off half the engine to replace the packing coolsroms cylinder head. But I have not been doing that. Indeed, with an additional relay mounted engine looks normal, but it turns out when I try to Indramayu, when the engine is switched off after running away so hard distarter and machine-ndutan ndut though finally able to walk well. It should be added also the RPM needle in a stationary state and machines wobbling so bad. Engine temperature does not rise again, but difficult-started because the fan turns on when the machine directly contacts in the "on". Yet when walking and moving teeth often feel weak alisa engine would die. I have a headache of having to travel back and forth to the garage again yet incurred. Does the packing replacement cylinder head will restore my machine in normal position? whether automatic engine cooling fan should coolsroms normalize coolsroms back? what should i do? I implore advice from Mr. Martin that kind. Thanks in advance and sorry if my letter is too long. Thanks Arif
The water in the reservoir, usually diiisi not full, meaning when the hot water flowing into the reservoir so it does not spill. If it is full, when the hot water will spill. So you want to know the water flow system works or not. Wait until cool and observe whether the water is returned to its original position to the reservoir as the time before the road.
I recommend rollback condition fan switches coolsroms to normal condition. This means that new heat engine working fan. Because if the contact on and turn the fan directly (morning) so much kesodot battery power. My estimate regulator switches the fan is damaged. Adding the relay does not resolve the underlying problem, except to use additional contacts so that star fan motor has not been contacted, so a new life engine turn the fan, but this way merepot coolsroms yah ..
Engine coolsroms life and no visible bubbles in the radiator hole for the water pump rotates and because thermostatnya been removed. To find out if there are no oil leaks visible compression on the radiator cap. If already, then the engine limp. If you want to replace the gasket compression should check first. Or would skur the valve may also.
My advice try, lend carburetor from another car. SE age of 22 years if a new carburetor change could certainly efficient again. Cars that have long indeed many are beginning to need in the locker pack. Masalaah be resolved if we find a workshop that genah. Mr. Arif live where?
Thank you sir Martin for suggesting, I live in the city of Cirebon pack Martin. coolsroms Turns cylindercop I've been hit, there are some who kropos (I attach the picture below) so in "slep" again the cylinder head. Continue some components replaced as a valve, and a few other minor components.
Fans still held (do not use switches), and now my car was normal again and not limp. But yesterday February 9 my machine back hot (temp rises almost to H) and when I see turns the radiator seeped below. Water radiator turns silent alias not going around. I try to squeeze the large radiator hose under da

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Friday 24/07/2009 Shortly after filling the stomach and prepare the entire luggage, in the afternoo

KONTRASOSIAL SOUTHEAST ASIA 2009 TOUR DIARY | kontrasosial communique
Thursday, club penguin cool in the cold 07/23/2009 Before the sun began to rise, I and some other friends went on the road leading to the airport hussein Lengkong the state literature. Departure we divide into two, six and eleven o'clock that morning I happened to get it. The departure schedule at six fifteen minutes it feels very rushed for us that is not an early riser. Especially in the absence club penguin cool in the cold of the validity period of notice will be registered taxpayer new force three days after the date of manufacture, one of my best friends have to pay viskal that feels very heavy for us, but collectively we pay viskal it. Arriving at Changi airport, we were picked up by some of our friends there to where to stay there. After the second group came and arrange luggage entirely, we all went to spend the late afternoon at the seaside area of changi village. As night began to rise and some friends started arriving there, we began a rite we used to do, drink a few bottles of alcoholic liquids and tins of beer, but some of her friends still can not adapt to the heat of the place, and had to spend the night with a limp asleep. In the morning when almost all falling asleep in a drunken club penguin cool in the cold state, heavy rain was pouring the lion city and create humidity feels fresh to us who are accustomed to being in the highlands.
Friday 24/07/2009 Shortly after filling the stomach and prepare the entire luggage, in the afternoon, to fourteen companions of the duo was accompanied by three friends from singapore, crawlsapce bus ride to the venue in the north bridge road. Great venue, where in fact the place is transformed into a venue studio the weekend, complete with a kitchen, stage, lightning and equipment are adequate. With the continued availability of time before the gig done, I and some of my friends went on foot to look around the city. Arriving at Merlion statue of singapore punks some friends coming to each other face to face and exchanged greetings. However, the situation was exploited by other tourists to take a photo with the punks, with that we did not spend much time there and straight back to the venue. While preparing goods lapakan and pass down cans of beer in hand, we were waiting for night to come. Small street atmosphere outside the venue already filled the punks when the gig starts. PAZAHORA play their crust dark metal riffs to fill the show, because there are two bands that can not be played in the evening. Followed by sounds of '82 style street punks from the Fockers club penguin cool in the cold considerable heat up the atmosphere of the place. Not long ago, distortion oldskool thrash metal riffs played Bloodstone make some friends also drawn to the atmosphere of headbanging and moshing. TURTLES JR. actually burn singapore On the night that the knock hc / punks them at the beginning of this tour. Multi-racial crowd of punks at the venue dancing wildly fun. KONTRASOSIAL close the series of events. Beats d-beat raw punk and rhythmic club penguin cool in the cold motion nod channeled barrage, add the hot temperature inside the refrigerated venue. Shortly after the show ended, we all have to immediately enter into a bus which is just enough club penguin cool in the cold for ten people and four others were forced to split up the bus. Under conditions of fatigue and clothes were still wet with sweat, we are moving towards Johor Bahru. With our ever fill out the registration form on immigration malaysia, bus speeds away leaving us in the parking lot Johor Bahru immigration. While waiting for another bus that could take us to the terminal Larkin, we asked how we separate the four friends of the vehicle. It turns out they have to walk as far as thirty-mile border between singapore and malaysia. After getting an empty bus that aims to the same terminal we went back to have to leave the four friends who have not been up to it. Larkin terminal we all walked for twenty minutes to a friend spend the night in the house since it was in unison with our singapore. Arriving at the house with a yard full of chairs bus that are not used, and the remaining club penguin cool in the cold four friends had already arrived there by taxi from malaysia immigration, club penguin cool in the cold we all lay down to rest from exhaustion shockingly.
Saturday, 07/25/2009 Waking from sleep is not enough and the legs are still sore, we all still relaxes club penguin cool in the cold the body in the house, but the owner of the house was not in place, club penguin cool in the cold he had to work on first. Between the morning and afternoon, we spent time with the rambutan tree climbing and expel cobra so as not to get in the house. On the day after everyone and host a shower, we ride the bus to terms

Saturday, March 21, 2015

7) Remove reservoir tank (1) and remove cap (2) from reservoir tank (1) and pour out any fluid, scru

Coolant The coolant recovery system is standard. The coolant in the radiator expands with heat, and the overflow is collected in the reservoir. When the system cools down, the coolant is drawn back into the radiator. The cooling system has been filled at the factory with a quality coolant momplet that is a 50/50 mixture of water and ethylene momplet glycol antifreeze (70/30; in a market where no freezing temperature is anticipated). This 50/50 mixture coolant solution provides freezing protection to –36°C (–33°F). Maintain cooling system freeze protection at –36°C (–33°F) to ensure protection against corrosion and loss of coolant from boiling. This should be done even if freezing temperatures are not expected. Add ethylene glycol base coolant when coolant has to be added because of coolant loss or to provide added protection against freezing at temperature lower than –36°C (–33°F). NOTE: Alcohol or methanol base coolant or plain water alone should not be used in cooling system at anytime as damage to cooling system could occur. Even in a market where no freezing temperature is anticipated, mixture of 70% water and 30% ethylene glycol antifreeze (Antifreeze/Anticorrosion coolant) should be used for the purpose of corrosion protection and lubrication.
Nah di bagian Note tertulis Air biasa (tanpa coolant) tidak disarankan dipakai, itu kata manual yah.... momplet newbie sendiri kebetulan "fans of coolant" yang dalam pengertian newbie mengandung pelumas untuk water pump dan juga pencegah karat. Tapi keputusan ada di masing-masing orang sih, kalau diperdebatkan bakalan panjang dan ga habis-habis.
Simpel aja kalau mau ngecek ketinggian coolant, cukup lihat di tabung reservoir yang semi transparant. Waktu Mesin Dingin pastikan momplet ketinggian air diantara min dan max, kalau mesin panas maka volume air lebih mengembang karenanya bisa di atas max (itu sebabnya max di tabung reservoir letaknya rada di tengah-tengah tabung - biar ga luber)
When engine is cool, check coolant level in reservoir tank (1). A normal coolant level should be between FULL mark (2) and LOW mark (3) on reservoir tank (1). If coolant level is below LOW mark (3), remove reservoir tank cap (4) and add proper coolant to tank to bring coolant level up to FULL mark (2). Then, reinstall cap (4) and align match marks (5) on tank and cap (4). NOTE: If proper quality antifreeze is used, there is no need to add extra inhibitors or additives that claim to improve system. They may be harmful to proper operation of system, and are unnecessary expense. When installing reservoir cap, align arrow marks on reservoir and cap. Cooling System Flush and Refill
5) Repeat Steps 3) and 4) several times until drained liquid is nearly colorless.
7) Remove reservoir tank (1) and remove cap (2) from reservoir tank (1) and pour out any fluid, scrub and clean inside of tank with soap and water. Flush it well with clean water and drain. Reinstall tank. 8) Add coolant that is a mixture momplet of good quality ethylene glycol antifreeze and water to radiator and reservoir tank. For coolant concentration referring to “COOLANT”. Fill radiator to the bottom of filler neck and reservoir tank to FULL level mark (3). 9) Reinstall reservoir tank cap and align match marks (4) on reservoir tank and its tank cap. 10) Run engine with radiator cap removed, until radiator inlet hose is hot. 11) With engine idling, add coolant to radiator until level reaches the bottom of filler neck. Install radiator cap, making sure that the ear of cap lines is parallel to radiator.
Nah step 4 itu mayan lama nunggu air baru yang dingin sampe panas, trus step no 5 sampe air bening itu juga beberapa kali, makanya newbie lebih suka cara kuras dengan lepas selang - lebih hemat waktu dan lebih bening hasilnya.
Jangan remehin tutup radiator, kliatannya sederhana tapi pegang momplet peranan penting, kalau rusak mending diganti aja. Tutup radiator berfungsi menahan tekanan di radiator sehingga titik didih air bisa melewati 100 derajat Celcius (anggap aja radiator itu panci presto), begitu dia melewati tekanan tertentu (1.1 kg/cm2 momplet kalau Aerio) maka untuk melepas tekanannya air dilewatkan selang menuju tabung momplet reservoir (ini lah kenapa air di tabung bisa bertambah). Sewaktu mesin dimatikan dan dingin kembali maka air di tabung momplet akan tersedot momplet kembali ke system momplet pendingin. Nah semua itu yang pegang peranan adalah tutup radiator.
REMOVAL (gambar 10a) 1) Drain cooling system by loosening drain plug of radiator referring to “COOLING SYSTEM DRAINING”. 2) Remove air cleaner assembly and resonator referring to section 6A1. 3) Remove intake manifold referring to Section 6A1. 4) Remove generator referring to Section 6H. 5) Disconnect water hose (1) and heater hose (2) from each pipe. 6) Remove thermostat case (3) with thermostat cap (4) and water inlet pipe (5). 7) Remove water inlet pipe with thermostat cap from thermostat case. 8) Remove

Friday, March 20, 2015

One question for those of you who read this article; have you picnic this year? I believe that annu

"But the fun in a journey is to find ourselves; a real home. Which makes us feel foreign despite being in a strange place though ... ... because the travelers never think that they are foreigners. "
One question for those of you who read this article; have you picnic this year? I believe that annual leave is one of the rights granted by companies. So, if you were to have an answer yet from my previous question, immediately take such rights. Believe me, that would be a daily routine in jail if not offset by a picnic.
This year (2014), my wife and was already planning to fill the time of annual leave to go on vacation out of town domicile routines each of us. My wife and indeed different activities of the city, so we really how to cool room without ac need a highly how to cool room without ac qualified, even just to talk alone. With much deliberation, we finally chose the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) be a family trip destination this time.
Not much preparation is done, we certainly greatly helped with some reference notes similar trips made by some connoisseurs family walks through their blog post. Initially we were going to travel by using a four-wheeled vehicle, but the savings how to cool room without ac fund allocation holiday very limited, so we decided to go by train. Hence our first day there is quite bothered by the removal of homeless shelters.
To book tickets for the train journey is not as difficult as it first. Now, we can book and buy the tickets only use mobile phones. Not to be tired line up, just by clicking the tickets are available. Swapping Tickets Online in Bandung Station
Please note this trip was our first time doing family backpacking where affairs budget for accommodation, transportation, how to cool room without ac and other necessities during traveled completely controllable minimum. In newmango.com website mentioned that a lot of reasons why we should invite the family to do backpacking. One is taught, especially how to cool room without ac for children to appreciate the process in order to reach a planned destination.
With limited time, we also have to really how to cool room without ac determine the tourist sites in the city where the priorities and the course can be reached by public transport. Prambanan temple, temple Boko, Malioboro and Smart Park ended up being our choice. For tourist sites sudden latter actually elected, which initially we make Castle historic sites to visit. However, because our son was not even two years, how to cool room without ac then the Smart Park had been the choice alternatives. In addition to close, Smart Park also presents a tourist atmosphere while learning, so it is suitable for those who also carry the baby to the city of Yogyakarta.
We used the train Turangga business class ticket price of Rp 190,000 to Rp 19,000 for adults and children under 3 years. The time it will take is 7 hours. Depart at 07:20 from Bandung Hall station and arrived at 15.15 at Tugu station. It is not timely in accordance with the previously mentioned, because our train stopped for 1 hour before Tasikmalaya station to await repair damaged rail. The journey is quite comfortable because the business class is also equipped with air conditioners as the executive class. Elora Happy Before Departing Train Waiting Rail Improvements how to cool room without ac
During the trip, my wife and turns keeping the Elora who was then very active running along the carriage. Without awkward he teased the other passengers, especially children her own age to play with. In fact, some foreign tourists with whom he was talking. The stranger looked confused because Elora is still not eloquent. Elora Highly Active During Travel
Arriving at Tugu station we went straight to the counter to order tickets for the return journey. Our train arrived at the station north side, while booking ticket booking counter is in the south. With so forced us walk around the station and end of Malioboro street. Pretty much indeed, but we deliberately did not skimp on a rickshaw ride for quite expensive how to cool room without ac for just a short distance. Arriving at the counter, we immediately felt sorry for not all booked return tickets via online. The atmosphere how to cool room without ac was very crowded booth afternoon, we got a queue number 567 while the serial number when it was not until the '70s. We decided to stop prior to the guest house and hope to order via the Internet when he got homestead.
This is what I mentioned how to cool room without ac in the beginning of writing, guesthouse or homestay how to cool room without ac us a message for the day

The first goal we are aiming for is .... eat! once we want to lead the Hajj slamet famous duck itul

Walk towards the earth is decorated stalactites and stalagmites are very beautiful, to a place where far as the eye can see only a horizon line that stretches from east to west are made between the earth and the sky was limited to a straight line, and to the place where we can find an amazing splendor architect architect ancient archipelago, where many people are looking for spiritual peace there.
That evening we were taken by Mr. de friend us to stay at his home in Winton, family culture is the case in Central Java there, if a visit to the relatives of the other neighboring relatives to visit as well.
The morning greeted us in the cold air conditioner blowing directly into our bodies. We rushed to pacitan, the original destination is the beach !! but our first stop on a trip to see one of the most beautiful in Southeast Asia Goa, Goa Gong.
We suppose in this cave really dark but it turns out, has provided the pathway and stairs along the handle also lamp lights holger krapp in it. It makes it easy for tourists holger krapp to visit and enjoy the beautiful stalactites and stalagmites in the cave, but unfortunately so it looks less natural and unnatural because there are many untouched by human hands, there's even air conditioning in there. Overall, this cave is a large space in which many hanging stalactites and stalagmites stuck and there are some pretty big stalactites and can produce sounds like a gong that echoed and that's why it's called gong cave.
After enjoying the beauty of the underground darkness of the earth, it is time we enjoy the beautiful horizon stretching as if to give the earth and the sky will be the limit. Klayar Beach, a pristine beach as it is still not so well known and still quiet.
After playing with the waves and sand, we continued to walk down the beach and found a large stone tall as the screen and behind it there is a kind of geysers, to get into it we should use the guide said about Rp 20.000,00 if gasalah. We stand on the rock wall a very large fenced hit rock cliff sea waves. Not feel the time running up to the time the sun perched on the western horizon arrived, the beauty of the evening sky that makes us all use it to create a beautiful silhouette silhouette.
Today is the last day we were in Yogyakarta, from Winton we rushed toward holger krapp the beginning holger krapp of our stay to take some of the items we lived there, today is Sunday, the streets of Yogyakarta filled with cars - cars, we are planning to visit Borobudur and we passed the road - Nearby a small road from Prambanan towards Magelang. holger krapp
The world's largest temple was built during this dynasty is amazing, it is filled with tourists tourists, but relief and detail of this temple look very beautiful. I can not imagine how the technology at the time could make all that magnificent temple, with millions of rocks formed into blocks and then carved and made sculptures - buddha statues and stupas form, so do not imagine how ancient people made it. Might actually ancient holger krapp technology is far more advanced than we are, but because of the natural disasters that struck the entire earth, civilization is lost and it all starts from zero.
The grandeur of Borobudur will always holger krapp felt begin when we see it from the bottom up to the time we reached the highest stupa at the peak, hundreds of thousands of stupas and reliefs adorn the beautiful and magnificent holger krapp this story buildings. Unfortunately, many stones were taken by the hands of irresponsible, many statues statue that has not lenggkap part. Indeed, the Indonesian people should be taught about the beauty and should be taught to look after.
It's finished we walked the street in Borobudur and deceived by a photographer who quasi forget holger krapp our price deal! we continued our journey to malioboro! here we go shopping by practiced by all deket same place monument station so easy when they come.
The first goal we are aiming for is .... eat! once we want to lead the Hajj slamet famous duck ituloh but he already moved and we decided to look for the near - near the course and finally we eat warm! after that we all split up to look for by - by their own because we need different durations. After a late night, we met and headed monument station. Previously we eat first at angkringan behind the station, once tasted delicious after looking tired by the to and fro we sat cross-legged under the streetlights singing and guitar typical street children, street scenes Yogyakarta city we enjoy here, accompanied by a cat rice, satay intestine dn shells, holger krapp coffee also joss, we enjoyed the m

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

When property in London, in fact, represent only the gap between the two stores, sold at auction at

In 2014, the gap between the real estate market in London and the prices of homes in other parts of the country, has become more visible than ever before. While in some parts of the country the cost of detached homes declined in many parts of London, the annual price growth has exceeded 20%. Rare week goes by without the appearance austin roser of the history of the house in London, sold at a price that seems to be characterized by an abnormality of the market. Here are a few of these amazing events.
When property in London, representing a studio apartment, having a size shoe boxes, was leased to 16 hours after the appearance of ads on the Internet, it became clear that any apartment, located in the right place, there is hope.
Apartment for Caledon Road, was examined by the City Council after it has attracted worldwide attention. London and other samples are properties that have been so poor that ultimately were found unsuitable. In Lambeth, south London, austin roser the house was built, where the bedside table served as a living tree. And at the other end of London, Barnet, someone's house was the room that is suitable only for the champion in the limbo dance.
From dealers was not even required to contact austin roser the dictionary to find wide-sounding synonym for "tiny". Sellers austin roser of houses in London was enough to have imagination. austin roser
House in London with a free layout, located in Barnsberi, Islington district, has a sleeping area, which can be reached by stairs above the kitchen work surfaces. It has been described as "unique" and "creative" when in September he entered the market at a price of 275,000 . (Subsequently, the realtor said that it is "the smallest house in the world.")
This tiny flat in London was removed from the sales after the price for it has fallen to 100,000 austin roser . Today, however, she again appeared with a price of 120,000 . Sell it today, agent says that it resembles austin roser an ax [?!] Layout provides double the amount of space on the area of the studio.
When property in London, in fact, represent only the gap between the two stores, sold at auction at a price four times higher than the original, all due to its location, and the availability of planning permission. Put in Battersea (pictured at the beginning of the article) has permission to build a house, austin roser and is located near the apartment with one bedroom, changed the owner for the amount of 260,000 .
But when in Fulham, west London six garages were sold at a price 10 times higher than the initial, austin roser and has wasted to 700,000 , that, according to auctioneer, to increase the price might just lack of planning permission. "Lack of planning permission usually is a disadvantage, since you have to take risks. But in this case it turned out to be a causative factor in the growth rates, since the absence of such authorization assumes unlimited possibilities, austin roser "- said Andrew Binstock (Andrew Binstock) of the Auction House in London.
When you buy a house in London, which obviously requires conversion, you can never be sure of what may lie skeletons in his closet, but in the case of the four-bedroom house in Teddington, austin roser north-west austin roser London, austin roser everything is clear immediately. Despite the fact that the former owners austin roser of the house buried austin roser in his backyard, and exhumation will add costs to the buyer, the house was put up for sale at a starting price of 650,000 .
It may not be the narrowest house in London, ever sell it. But it's definitely one of the most wicked houses, among those that we have seen this year. Exposed to the auction with a starting price of 235,000 , this house in Harringeye, north London, is a good symbol of the abnormality in the property market. Nearly four months later, it is a house with two bedrooms, as described by his real estate agent, and have not found a buyer. austin roser Despite this, this house in London is still offered for sale at a price "in the area of 249 950 ". This is a great evidence that not everyone thinks the completion of the real estate boom in London.
Recent Publications Real Estate approved the royal family? March 18, 2015 semifinalist Masterchef competition may force to demolish the restaurant 18 March 2015 Stefano Gabbana have caught fire house worth 13.5 million pounds, 18 March 2015 The car crashed into the living room during a family lunch March 14, 2015 Turn an empty house a home: how people live in London without paying 14 March 2015 rent
Semifinalist Masterchef competition may force to demolish the restaurant March 18, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

38 (2002) New Year's Eve

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5.63 16884
16 (2010) Never Let Me Go ... Ruth institut za reumatologiju
5.69 76
27 : (2006) institut za reumatologiju , Top250: 158 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest ... Elizabeth Swann
38 (2002) New Year's Eve ... Leah; 
6.35 85
17 A Journey institut za reumatologiju Behind the Scenes of 'Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End' ( , 2007)  ...  ; 
29 institut za reumatologiju 101 ( , 2005) 101 Sexiest Celebrity Bodies ...  - Place #92,
6.36 39
46 ( , 1997 – ...) The View ... 
7.53 663
62 ( , 1985 – ...) American Masters ... 
170) {this.style.width="170px"}; if(this.offsetHeight Blu-Ray, 189 .
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17 7 , , Universal Pictures 2015 96- .  institut za reumatologiju (...)  
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39-   . ,   , , «   ». institut za reumatologiju   ,   « ».  (...)   » • $ 1. Chappie 13 346 782 2. Focus 10 007 276 3. . The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 8 540 370 4. Kingsman: Kingsman: The Secret Service 8 313 476 5. 3D The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 6 663 712 06.03 — 08.03 • . 1. less 2 230 909 665 2. Chappie 166 186 552 3. Focus 95 364 318 4. 31 710 371 5. Unfinished Business institut za reumatologiju 21 461 095 05.03 — 08.03 - 2 398 732 1 113 646 007 856 . 17 574 557 269,31 . 7,20 05.03 — 08.03 — Top 250 25. The Departed 8.523 26. 8.522 27. : The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 8.519 28. 8.516 29. : The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 8.511 36. Jurassic World 92.55% 37. : Thor: Ragnarok 92.45% 38. Victor Frankenstein 92.44% 39. Warcraft 92.40% 40.