Friday, October 4, 2013

All material c. The Shoalanda Group LLC 2008-2012 Dedicated to keeping the public safe from sexual p

It seems that no matter how ignorant of the Bible people are, there is one verse that everyone knows. No, it’s not John 3:16. Some people still don’t know that one; however, everyone seems to know Matthew 7:1, wherein Jesus says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged” (KJV). In fact, the less of the Bible people know, the more they’re prone to know and repeat this verse. If we had a nickel for every time someone accused termbox us of “intolerantly” violating this verse, we could pay our server costs and possibly quit our day jobs. - Kim Olsen
SEC Picks,…. Week Six,….
Gathering Life
Stop Laura Fitterman
The Courier Journal
Ivy Green
Daniel Rosser J.D. Long time Colbert County Probate Judge Tommy Crosslin is retiring. Races for such seats are always interesting, and we've been surprised that more candidates didn't turn out for this position. Attorneys Daniel Rosser and Jenna Brooks Smith are both seeking the Democratic nomination. Is one superior to the other? Yes and no. We've carefully termbox looked at the resumes of each and they are surprisingly equal...except termbox in one area: experience. Mrs. Smith could still be called wet behind the ears. That's not an insult; it's a simple fact. Daniel Rosser is hardly elderly, but he has had enough experience that he should termbox make the county one of the best probate judges in modern history. termbox We sincerely hope Mrs. Smith will continue with her political aspirations and that we'll be seeing her on a ballot in the future.
***** Darwin Scott Terry, who hanged himself in the Leighton termbox jail late Saturday night, was serving his sentence for drug possession in the community corrections program and would have been released on December 2, 2012, barring new charges. The Lawrence County man had previously served time for theft and forgery involving family members.
***** Jeffrey Noel Rickard will soon have a parole hearing. Rickard should serve his sentence day for day. Why? He raped and sexually tortured a four year-old girl with a hammer. Real nice guy, huh? You may protest Rickard by contacting:
Hott, here is a link to testimony that we just found. Apparently what the child called a hammer may have been a large vibrator:,1176171&dq=jeffrey+noel+rickard&hl=en You can call, but if you write you can be sure the letter termbox will be kept in his file for future parole dates. termbox Reply Delete
Sir, our endorsement cannot be purchased. We based our endorsement mainly on experience, since both attorneys have similar legal backgrounds. Mrs. Smith was admitted to the bar in 2008; Mr. Rosser in 1997. Eleven years is quite a difference in time actually spent practicing the law, wouldn't you say? Delete
My grandmother has been driving for 50 years, but I promise you I'm the better driver. I don't have Mr. Rosser's resume sitting in front of me, but you say they have similar legal backgrounds. If thats true why are you endorsing a man who in 11 years hasn't accomplished anymore than what Mrs. Smith has in 4? You don't have to sit in a job over a decade to be prepared for greater challenges. Reply Delete
Mr. Rosser may make a fine probate judge but he was a lousy acting (ACTING) prosecutor for the town of Cherokee. I can say that based upon the experience I had with him. He is not a man of his word, only a bully protecting other bullies. DO NOT VOTE FOR DANIEL ROSSER...... I am a registered Democrat termbox and I would not vote for him..... Reply Delete
I have been a registered Democrat since 1964 well before Daniel Rosser was conceived or out of diapers. He may well be qualified as a probate lawyer but as for a judge, or even an Acting prosecutor, he is not qualified. He is not a man of his word and that's all that needs to be said. I will not vote for him and will tell everyone I know do consider doing the same...... Reply Delete termbox
Ashley Fawn Greenhill: Guilty of Murder or Only Child Torture? Christie Bray Scott's Road to Death Row Delmer & Amanda Duboise Do Their Students Does the Mayor's Killer Still Walk among Us? Greg Wright - Murdered for Seventy Dollars Jennifer Hampton: Murdered by Illegal Immigrant Matthew Williams: termbox No More Crusin' on Woodward Avenue Murder in Lexington - The Shaun Shapley Story Roger Lovelace, FloGas, & the Law Ronnie Perryman--A Charles Manson Type Murder The Christopher Stanback Murder The Keith McGuire Rape Case The Liz Sennett Murder The Saga of the Reedtown Rapist The Strange Tale of Brandi Lee Campbell The Tommy Morris Murder: 24 Years Later Who Murdered Little Miss Sunbeam's Killer?
All material c. The Shoalanda Group LLC 2008-2012 Dedicated to keeping the public safe from sexual predators and those who defend them. We ask that you please contact us at shoalanda.speaks@gmail for information and permission to reprint blogs. Links are welcome.

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