Monday, December 16, 2013

At the table we talked a little. I mostly ate quickly and sped to the next procedure. italijanski i

Supposedly the priests, who at first glance, hoc dressed in civilian clothes, they look like priests. Possible under the abdomen, can walk under, or method of clothing or round shape. I said do not look like a priest by the Reverend ...
"Hello," italijanski institut za kulturu I greeted italijanski institut za kulturu politely. I pushed high chair and I sat down to the table. italijanski institut za kulturu Next to me sat an older pensioner after joint surgery. Two women in front of me, also a pensioner, italijanski institut za kulturu as a support to a walking italijanski institut za kulturu crutch.
Since I was the youngest (and perhaps the healthiest) member of the community at the table, I always politely asked if anyone does not want anything. Retirees enjoyed it. They called me Vladko and soon got used, that I can reach out nicely and I get up from the table and bring what you need. Clean cutlery? Once he was on the table. Water or juice? Of course. Bread? Black or white? In A Basket I brought the rolls. I did not mind. I like them served.
At the table we talked a little. I mostly ate quickly and sped to the next procedure. italijanski institut za kulturu Actually, I did not know of anyone more than a diagnosis and a summary of procedures, italijanski institut za kulturu allowing them doctor prescribed.
It was Friday. I put my basket of bread on the table and waited for the waitress bring other food. We switched italijanski institut za kulturu a few formal phrases: as in the pool as they got after the massage and that I am going to the castle in the afternoon and we continue in silence waiting for the second course.
Mrs comparison yielded a sweet rice pudding. She looked sourly, as if waiting for noodles with poppy seeds. The other brought by Mrs Bean prívarok, without of course sausages, as well as my neighbor Exchanged joint. Finally brought to me. A waitress put a plate on the table and it schnitzel with potato italijanski institut za kulturu salad. Wished us a good taste for what I said about it but me.
"How is it that you have crossed themselves while you eat meat?" Fired at me slightly angry voice pensioner comparison, "After all, it's Friday! Do not you know that on Friday does not eat meat? "
I calmly dožúval and I started to explain to her that I know and that Friday is a penitential day and not meatless day. And that afternoon Calvary pray for me that some penitential act carried out and therefore not doing anything wrong if you give a lunch steak. I lowered his eyes and continued italijanski institut za kulturu eating.
So I feel dožúval and again I tried to explain it as a repentant day, which may or may not be meatless. And for me that scrumptious fried cheese with a decent servings of fries is no repentance, and therefore, it is preferred to pray Calvary, since I am in the spa time.
"What do you know about that?" Rose to my voice, "invented to give you this has made the. Today's youth can do anything, even eat meat on Fridays! We, when we were young, we did not have meat whole month and you can not stand one day! Shame on you! Crossed italijanski institut za kulturu by the mini schnitzels here ... "
Stich. She stared at me, surprised eyes. Her face petrified. italijanski institut za kulturu She looked as if she somewhere inside the head mosaic consisted of what she heard in the light of new information. Priest? Impossible, she thought maybe ...
"I am," the voice sounded like a hammer blow. And again I repeat it, which means making a penitential act on Friday and remain free of meat is only one of many possibilities. I listened with open mouth and more effectively than previously. She looked at me and vibrant eyes constantly nodding his head when I made a long pause between sentences.
"The Chaplain, you have tea? I'll get the lotion? Pečivko? Sweet or rolls? "Always plunged me before I could ask myself. italijanski institut za kulturu Greeted me at every step, as if I were pope. Even when I entered the pool, screaming at me from the water Praised be Jesus Christ. All heads in the pool was turned to me and premeriavali me by the ankles, through Belasé swimsuit italijanski institut za kulturu to the swim-cap. Nicely italijanski institut za kulturu I smiled and went into the water. Praised ... greeted me a few pensioners, while I sailed into a corner and closed his eyes in the pool.
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