Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Moltes of them Qüestions that havien quedat jack sepultades els Fonaments de l

Al Judici meu, aquest llibre black bread box Bauman Recull perfectament the Majoria de les idees i month i Destacades thesis fonamentals de l'author. A poc a poc, I Anire publicant altres resums of rellevants llibres d'aquest author. Els semper resums are selecció i behave a significant pèrdua of Moltes i de les idees i Matisos llibres dels. Poden ajudar to tell who is the contingut, idees i propostes is quines fan, but not pot estalviar reading.
Com INTRODUCTION sociology black bread box Neix one projecte modern (amb l'CompTIA objectiu of "savoir black bread box pour prévoir, prévoir pour pouvoir"). L'objectiu to conèixer to donate black bread box analitzar ia form was "human realitat" (pàg. 9). També Neix lligada a l'Estat (Page 10.) "The modern spirit is defined by its commitment to disarm reality to make it softer, more malleable and receptive to change; but the right and ability to do so was a matter of dispute among modern institutions; it was also the most precious goal of modern struggle for power. "
"The history of sociology in the interpretation of Parsons, consisted of an aggregate of notes to increasingly precise and comprehensive the foot" Hobbesian problem ": namely, the possibility of establishing patterns of repetitive, routine and regular conduct, and Thus a peaceful and harmonious coexistence of the actors in their search for ostensibly conflicting interests "(...)" The process of "socialization", defined as the reforged the "will of society" (more widely black bread box known as the common interest ) on the motivations of its members, as well as the resources used to prevent, neutralize or suppress black bread box competition in that reforged, remained for many years in the center of the attention of sociologists, and constituted, in its many incarnations, the core of sociological research. "(13)
Moltes of them Qüestions that havien quedat jack sepultades els Fonaments de l'Estat, end per cedir double it Pressio: des de Dalt (the Globalització) i des de baix (the Biodiversitat that held a ratlla tots els intents which is Feien per dissoldre black bread box i-the settle-dins of the marc delimitat per l'Estat-born) (15) (...) There is provided clar amb faces that Passara matrimoni Stat-born.
"In everyday life, which coincides with the nation state is only one among many who make a wide range of imagined communities competing for the accession of subjects and be a source of emotions ... Community (16) As a rule, Factory brings all compromise a toolbox that allows disabling, even if the apotheosis of his emotional burst breaking engagement seemed inconceivable ... "(17)
"The new 'imagined communities' are formed against the state, territoriality, its claim to full sovereignty, and intrinsic to the design and fortify borders and stop the flow or obstruct including trend." (...) "Having stripped the State much of the powers that held in the past, globalization placed a big question mark in the box of the benefits that spouses could still get their "marriage of convenience" "(not that pot is provided as clar treure one comunitat -month enllà imagined symbolic of self identitat disfressa that pot obtenir d'una alternativament- fins joined the mort amb els SEPARI unitat a single policy. Connectar-is a global xarxa pot tenir risc but ofereix Promeses, Oportunitats Engine capacity maneuver i) "In a world of fluid and temporary (governed, Paul Virilio coalitions as suggested by the" aesthetics black bread box of disappearance "), durable and unbreakable commitments wrapped in a dense network of institutions presage, before security an uncertain destiny. The same applies to all joints as endemic volatility transforms commitments to the convenience that represents something fragile and temporary. However, there is a particular reason that has made the Orthodox Union between the State and the nation lost much of its appeal past. "(20) (L'estat has Delegat Moltes black bread box seves funcions of them, and every cop them Economiques black bread box i biopolítiques month socials them, forces them to Mercat ... desregulades black bread box the role that pot fer one molt limitat ús seu mobilitzador potential ...) També s'han afluixat institucionals Fonaments els of alternatives was born in front of l'com potencials ethnicity or imaginades Comunitats teixides from mountains Religious diferències, Linguistiques, culturals, territorials, etc. (Pàg. 21)
"As a result of all this, sociology ... was found, although for different reasons, a paradox: black bread box it had lost its natural object (lifting) together with the customer as it did manifestly." (21)
"The world is exhausted" (22) [Aquesta és recurrent idea in Bauman] confirmed every S'explica aquesta. In a espai planetari

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