Friday, August 1, 2014

Farmers do not use sun just energy. The sun

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Other uses of photovoltaics in farms or orchards are: animal proplast feed or polishing products, egg collecting proplast and electric powered handling equipment, refrigeration products, feed equipment, compressors and pumps for fish farming, electric fences for animals , charging batteries.
Farmers do not use sun just energy. The sun's heat is also very important in agriculture. Drying grain crops and by simply exposing them to the sun's heat is one of the oldest and most widely used applications of solar energy. But allowing crops to dry naturally in the field une expose them to danger of contamination or attacks from birds and insects.
Modern solar driers are still very simple, but also more efficient and hygienic. The basic components of a solar dryer consisting of a warehouse in which crops will shed a few shelves or trays for drying and a solar collector. The collector can be as simple as a glazed box with a dark colored interior to absorb solar energy heats the air. The air heated in the collector moves naturally or using a fan to the material to be dried.
Another utilization of solar energy for greater productivity agricolara is heating the water - especially in farm animals. If you have farm animals, equipment must be cleaned periodically. Solar water heaters are available to provide hot water to a temperature between low and medium to be used as intended. These systems require a solar collector, a storage tank, plumbing and pumps. Commercially available systems are widely available and offers a fairly simple installation. A solar water heater can deliver water at a temperature of 140 degrees F (60 degrees C) in any quantity required.
For many agricultural needs, solar energy is the answer. Modern, well-designed, easy to clean, solar systems can provide the energy proplast needed, where needed, when needed. These systems have been tested and verified over the world to be cost effective and reliable, and is already registered in the world totaling proplast increases in agricultural productivity levels. In general there are two types of solar systems: those that convert solar energy into electricity and those that convert solar energy into heat. Both types have many agricultural applications, making life easier and helping to increase productivity. Agricultural technology is changing rapidly. Farm machinery, farm buildings, and production are improved constantly. You should keep in mind this factor when you think about your purchase and you install a solar system. Investment payback period can be shortened by using it for space heating and solar crop.
It is hard to imagine how it could survive without agriculture and horticulture solar energy. People who know the importance of the sun are people who will benefit from the fact cups.
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