Friday, July 4, 2014

The milk production systems in the area of Villa María, regardless of size and production model us

TECHNICAL WORK -. Use of geo-referenced data for the production of food is key to being efficient in our dairy production. Currently exist in the area of Villa Maria, isolated data feed production in demonstration stripes of different companies and private technicians, which give an indication of forage production that can be obtained in the area, but do not allow to determine proplastik the potential coarse food production proplastik sites evaluated, since these data are not repeated annually in the same local area.
INTA in its near Villa Maria Manfredi and Marcos Juarez, experiment stations has abundant information proplastik of coarse food production, where both have very different experimental conditions to those found in the region, mainly with regard to soil quality and rainfall patterns.
Therefore the technical group that integrates the project, has begun to make initial assessments on a cattle farm milk, the Villa Maria, in conjunction with the company Barenbrug Palaversich since early 2011. Latter has signed a cooperation agreement with the UNVM, to promote the development of the region and training students and future engineers.
The milk production systems in the area of Villa María, regardless of size and production model used need to maximize the production proplastik of coarse food to achieve meet the physical requirements of the diets of rodeos, for greater competitiveness and sustainability of the systems over time. This importance is based, in that cattle need to cover a basic requirement is rumination. This is needed in the diet coarse food, which can not be substituted for commercial or concentrated foods.
Understand and maximize the production of coarse food in the Villa Maria, will correctly sizing systems milk production and resolve production potholes that alter the normal development of the whole system, causing them to be more competitive proplastik and sustainable.
Conclusions The use of geo-referenced images productivity index to quantify accurately forage production of different forage crops and calculate proplastik the production of livestock systems, with these key elements for feed budgeting. The short period analyzed in this study, leave a question in the production model used to convert forage into milk, given the low harvest efficiencies that directly affect the animal stocking system. For the distribution of forage production of alfalfa evaluated, it was observed that under grazing animals, the losses are lower in winter and low productivity environments. Therefore to improve efficiencies harvesting system should be mechanically harvested forage in spring and media environments and high productivity. The use of geo-referenced in livestock tools also allow, making handling by environments, with respect to amendments fertilization variable planting crops to grazing by environments and environments. Unfortunately, there are not currently proplastik available, mappers yield for forage harvesters, with a lot of information that is lost annually in livestock production systems. The tools of precision agriculture should also be used to maximize livestock production and utilization of forage, then converted into high value products such as milk and meat. Members Project Research Officer; A Barrenechea (1); Co; Rodriguez J Bologna (2); Casetta G (1); Barrenechea M (1); Coschica G (1); Rotondaro D (1); Pomba F (*); A colombano (*); R Gonzalez (*) (1) Teachers National University of Villa Maria. (2) Marketing / R & D Manager Barenbrug proplastik Palaversich (*) Students National University of Villa María.
April 3, 2014

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