Friday, July 4, 2014

The digestive power is all the more material. She provides essentially the material part of the bod

The digestive power is all the more material. She provides essentially the material part of the body, although the natural power of raw fruits, this item parteĆ³ reduced to what is strictly necessary and is increased to the maximum possible energy revenues through the digestive tract. Nothing extra or has this world as material through which we are passing, is characterized by worship belly ie the pleasures what is a psychrometer used for of the table. Everything is celebrated with banquets. Everything is celebrated almost always abnormal tube-digestive functions. This is reality. And there is no doubt that such power has positive influence on the emitted ideas, and that these require, brain functions, these functions are hampered by toxic waste and excessive gas and carnivorous diet. Embodying the toxic food with rude and cells your body makes the mind down to lower and sensual planes. Instead, the building what is a psychrometer used for materials can sutilizarse spiritualized body, if I may say with proper predominantly raw food vegetarian diet, which many energy, Electrical, magnetic, radioactive, vital, and with such great dominance over the material value values contributes to the body. Looking to the world the example of this I am saying is found. what is a psychrometer used for We'll see thick smelly people, of delayed functions, slowly, heavily, takes to understand, with ideals of luxurious what is a psychrometer used for accommodations, laziness, and, above all, with a well-set table. These people are sentenced to the bonds of matter, and concerned and angry about the smallest details of material life. The spiritualization of matter that is the lifting to energy levels can only be achieved with vegetarian what is a psychrometer used for feed and the daily practice of pulmonary and cutaneous supply Furthermore: Man to be civilized, it was unable to kill innocent animals or Defenseless, eating meat, requires such an indirectly maintain their instincts and feelings in the low level of animality which obliges what is a psychrometer used for its ugly butcher paper. And this is not moral, nor humane, what is a psychrometer used for nor Theosophist. We can not be accomplices Call us spiritualists, that other men stagnate your progress in unpleasant roles, and they occur so big and so dark astral waves of hatred, bitterness, suffering, terror, distress, as shown by the vengeful souls of many animals Slaughtered ... uselessly helpless man, but merely that plague all invisible world ready to take revenge at every opportunity enemies. Recourse to food that Mother Earth provides us with fruit. The man has - the anatomical and physiological constitution of being fruitarian. Chemistry teaches us that these foods lack of toxic waste. They are the only ones that allow the most perfect piety respect for all creation, because the tree or plant gives us fruit, true accumulators sunlight, and who do we have to mow your life also gives us shade, freshness and cheers. That sublime greatness of frugivorous feeding! Some said very aptly When I shown something beautiful, you can ensure that the truth comes back. In the spirit of all is the welcome (printing of joy and peace) that gives us the presence of a garden full of fruit; making violent contrast to the brutal, inhuman scene, pig tailed, upended wrenching moans launching into the air, through the heart by the sword of man, which God made in his image and likeness.
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