Saturday, June 21, 2014

All what we recognize gingerbread cookie jar as a danger, injury, loss, threat or challenge to us a

Preventing Heart Disease Sexual Health gingerbread cookie jar Advisor Ohr Healthy Eyes Healthy teeth Men's Health Women's Health Skin Health Alternative Medicine Plants Life without pain cure malignant diseases clinic by Vita
Malignant diseases plague the modern age! With more than three million new patients and 1.7 million deaths each year, cancer diseases are the major cause of death in Europe after cardiovascular diseases. Globally, more than 70 percent of all cases of deaths from malignant disease occurs in countries with low and high standard of living, which have little or no resources for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malignant diseases. gingerbread cookie jar
All what we recognize gingerbread cookie jar as a danger, injury, loss, threat or challenge to us automatically triggers strong emotions, intense emotional experience. Emotional stress causes severe physical and psychological reactions and weakens our immune gingerbread cookie jar system. Tend to develop realistic expectations about the disease and making good decisions about treatment. We should not be pressured to be blindly positive because it increases the frustration. A sense of optimism should not exclude sadness, anger, gingerbread cookie jar sadness, pain. These feelings will arise and need to be recognized and accepted. However, one should not underestimate the importance of optimism in the quality of life. According to research, patients who are optimistic are more successful treatment. gingerbread cookie jar Nutrition and malignant disease
One of the most modern and specific side effects of cancer treatment, nausea accompanied by a weakening of appetite, but its a common cause can be emotional or psychological nature. In this case it is recommended to eat slowly, at least five small meals a day, between which is due to rehydration advisable to drink water or unsweetened herbal and fruit teas. Best meal time is right peak of appetite, and it is usually the morning. Then the person should have a choice and the availability of good food served. It is preferable to choose a soft, puree until liquid food, lukewarm or chilled meals.
In all oral problems caused by therapy is necessary to avoid sticky, tough and / or dry food and hot, salty, sour and overly spicy foods that irritate the sore area. Alleviating pain and discomfort and helps sucking behavior refreshing menthol lozenges and candy as well as the use of chewing gum. Likewise, except sip chilled drinks (water, tea, milk shakes and dense fruit juices, citrus and carbonated gingerbread cookie jar drinks) patients annually melting crushed ice, ice cream and lollipops in my mouth. In this way stimulates the secretion of saliva and reduces the feeling of dryness and unpleasant taste in the mouth. And nature is to fight cancer
In addition to the classical methods of treatment Imortela Association, which is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people gingerbread cookie jar undergoing treatment for cancer, suggests a complementary medicine and healing herbs and essential oils. When using herbal preparations is of utmost importance to choose the ones that are proven origin and premium quality to ensure maximum care. Plant Graviola raises immunity and strengthens gingerbread cookie jar the body, which greatly helps in the fight with cancer. gingerbread cookie jar A new study on graviola, published in October 2012. By the Department gingerbread cookie jar of Biochemical and Molecular Biology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, argues that graviola works by changing the metabolism of malignant cells, which inhibits gingerbread cookie jar the formation of new cells and the development of malignant disease. Graviola has a beneficial effect on the symptoms of the disease and the effects of intensive therapy. Ginger is very effective against nausea and during therapy. Clinical trials, and is also used to treat inflammation, anticonvulsants, to reduce pain in muscle and bone problems, improves circulation and is an effective gingerbread cookie jar remedy for migraine. Flower mallow is used as protection against radiation, which is particularly important to those suffering from cancer. It is used in the form of coatings, which are placed on sites treated with radiation, once or twice a day. Can be used together with oil from macerate and essential oils of lavender, chamomile and German iauli cimeola. Passionflower helps in reducing stress and alleviate insomnia and has found application in the unrest, nervousness and anxiety. Healing is considered green (above-ground) parts of the plant, including the flowers and leaves. Leaf tea blackberries and raspberries helps in cases of diarrhea and is used to stopping the symptoms. Artichoke leaf is extremely beneficial after cessation of therapy, cleaning and regeneration of the liver after treatment. Is used in the form of SIPF composition, as this contains most of drug substances. Humanitarian gingerbread cookie jar Education "You are stronger than you think"
Organized by the Association Imortela, recently held in Zagreb humanitarian education titled "You are stronger than you think", which discussed everything that happens after the disease of cancer. On education are discussed by experts from the fields of medicine (Mary Tesla, MD.), Nutrition (Karmen Matkovic, B.

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