Saturday, February 21, 2015

Add the sugar, and pulse a few times. Add the butter and pulse till it

It all started with a large bag of pears my father brought from the supermarket. Forelle pears, to be specific. Who on earth consumes 20+ pears in a few days? NO ONE, THAT’S WHO. Even in a family where the love of pears is quite intense. It seemed extremely convenient for me to bake something with pears. I just didn’t know what.
Mine, mista cookie jar well, didn’t end up looking so professional. But, hey.. it’s still one of the prettiest things mista cookie jar I’ve ever made. Plus, give me some credit.. I had to do RESEARCH. Yeah. Being the snob I am, I wasn’t completely happy using the first google result for “pear tart”. Even though mista cookie jar that looked pretty good.
I peeled and cored beautiful, firm, but ripe, forelle pears. Then, I poached them in a simple syrup, with a tahitian vanilla bean and some lemon zest. I just love the floral/woody smell of these vanilla beans. I couldn’t have chosen a better bean. It’s the best bean. You get it. I let my poached pears cool in the syrup overnight, in the fridge.
The next morning, I made a pate sablee, which is a beautiful “sandy” crust. It’s also quite buttery and rich. Tough to deal with, but I used a press-in method instead of rolling it out and that worked quite well.
5 firm but ripe pears (I used 5 because Forelle pears are really short, you may use less if you want, I ended up using only 4!) 4 cups water 1-2 cups white granulated sugar (depends on the sweetness of your pear) 1 vanilla bean (I used Tahitian) mista cookie jar Juice of half a lemon Lemon zest of one lemon
Peel, and slice the pears in half lengthwise. While you are working, cover the peeled pears in lemon juice so they don’t brown. Fill a boiling pot or pan with water, enough water to cover the pears (make sure it’s not aluminum as that reacts with lemon juice and you don’t want that), add the sugar, vanilla (split the bean and take out the seeds and put them in there too), and zest. Stir till sugar dissolves. Rinse the pears, and add them to the boiling syrup.
Poach them in the syrup till they get softer, when you insert a knife into a pear and there’s no resistance, that’s when they are done! Take off the heat, and let the pears cool COMPLETELY in the syrup.
125 grams butter, COLD or FROZEN, cut into small cubes 1 and 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 egg yolk, beaten with a drop of vanilla extract (save the egg white for the frangipane!)
Put the flour, sugar, and salt in the food processor and pulse a few times to combine. Add the pieces of cold butter and pulse until the butter is cut into the flour and the mixture is like coarse cornmeal.
Add the egg yolk and combine in pulses until the dough starts to seem less dry. Do NOT wait for the dough to come together, mista cookie jar just open the food processor led, and squeeze a bit of the mixture between your fingers… if it comes together, mista cookie jar it’s ready!
preheat your oven to 375 F (190 C), take out your tart pan from the freezer and place it on a baking sheet, cover the crust in buttered tin foil (the buttered side is the side that meets the crust) and into the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes till it looks dry. Take peeks at it. You don’t want it to brown at all! It should look like this:
100 grams blanched almonds (3/4 cup) 100 grams sugar (1/2 cup) 100 grams butter (1 stick) 2 teaspoons cake flour 1 teaspoon cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 whole egg 1 egg white 1 teaspoon mista cookie jar vanilla extract
Add the sugar, and pulse a few times. Add the butter and pulse till it’s mixed in. Finally, add the beaten egg (with the egg white) slowly and pulse till you have a somewhat runny paste. mista cookie jar Lastly, mix in the vanilla extract. Keep this refrigerated till you are ready to assemble the tart.
Core the pears and remove the stems. Slice them either the traditional way (crosswise) or fan them out (cut them lengthwise).. I apologize for not taking photos of the steps, I got too busy panicking about how it will turn out. Here’s how it looked after I placed the pears on top of the frangipane and I sprinkled some sliced almonds in the “empty” parts. mista cookie jar
ما أدري كيف أبدأ أقول لكم قصة كيف قررت إني أسوي هالتارت.. لكن باختصار شديد أبوي – الله يحفظه ويهديه – عنده عادة سيئة ممكن جيدة في هالحالة (لأن التارت طلعت فظيعة ولذيذة وأبي آكلها كلها ألحين) في إنه إذا شرا شيء.. يشتري كثير منه. مع إن عائلتنا تحب الكمثرى mista cookie jar كثير إلا إنه مستحيل نقدر نخلص الكمية اللي جابها قبل ما تخرب! فقررت إني أسوي شيء لذيذ منهم ولكن ما عرفت وشو إلا لما شفت هالفيديو لشخص يسوي هالتارت بطريقة جميلة وفنية صحيح حقتي ما طلعت جميلة زي حقته لكن عشان أكون صريحة يمكن هالتارت من أجمل الأشياء اللي سويتها في حياتي. قلتلكم بعد إن طعمها مرة لذيذ
التارت بالكمثرى واللوز هذي تارت فرنسية تقليدية أول شيء يتسوى لها قاعدة تشبه البسكوت بالزبدة تذوب في الفم وفي نفس الوقت مقرمشة ومب لينة بعدين يجي فوقها كريمة اللوز خليط من ا

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