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"Best before April 2012. Yet all we have enough time to make the goods to be sold. But about "lying" in the shelves for a long time and it would remain just a few pieces. In these cases, often finally being retired prematurely sales and liquidate. "
Read as follows introductory words of the documentary, which is called destruction of food as a global problem. It deals with explaining and searching questions, why degrade food. Answers offer professional researchers, but also the workers themselves, or directors supermarkets.
"We greencore foods live in an amazing carelessness. The customer is not enough one type of goods, wants to choose. Ultimately, this means that it will pay for all the goods they see on shelves because supermarkets are unable to sell all. "Says Jörn F., Biowerk Hamburg.
Klaudia F., supermarket employee, Berlin, "taken from the shelves of milk which ends in two days' date. Everything here will be sold in the store automatically depreciates. At the end of the week we replace all the goods for fresh since before the weekend growing demand. "
On the market there are about a hundred different kinds of yogurt. Supermarkets have in stock several thousand kinds of goods. If you want to best meet customers must also amount to offer the lowest possible prices.
"Some types of goods, such as spring onions, radishes or lettuce can be sold in just one day. Vegetables should still look perfect. Be free of any visible spots. Also, strawberries must be completely free of caries. For example, the kohlrabi and quality are quite fresh, but nobody buys them because greencore foods they lack leaves. Irony, however, is that when people buy them, and then after all sheets are torn off before they pay. "
Marty. G. / German greencore foods Food Retailer's' Association / "When we remember the sixties of the last century, we have to conclude that we had supply problems and the main objective was to feed the people. At present, the food surplus and vice versa problem that people greencore foods never felt hungry. Are thus still challenging. Germany has from all countries of the world rather most retail spaces. Competition is extremely tough and customers have options to choose from an endless menu always the best product. "
Supermarkets still creating greencore foods new offerings and grandchildren of people, greencore foods often on neither need. They are trying to increase their sales as they can, but how many unsold goods discarded remains hidden from the public.
Vienna researcher JK belongs to one of the few people who were allowed to inspect greencore foods the garbage containers one of the supermarkets: "In a large supermarket, we examined how much food is thrown away. Mainly it was a product that could still be consumed. During the 10-week follow-up, we found that each store daily throws up to 45 kg satisfactory and good food. Why? Because it has expired minimum time consumption. But when we look at those foods are exactly greencore foods the same as the others. In many milk products after a certain period separates the whey. But when they potrepete, it is again the same as before. Labelling of the word "use by" think up the officials, and manufacturers. Often, however, has nothing to do with health risks. This date only guarantees the fact that the goods have certain characteristics. For example, yogurt that remains after this period creamy. "
Sylvain S. / Fran. / "It is a great pity that they can not offer food or charity, as they near the end durability. Can not deal with it at all to do anything. Everything is thrown away in the trash. Every morning I check the data and unload goods which would have hardly greencore foods sold. "Sylvain leaving full, large basket towards the container and all that there simply discarded.
P. Thomas, director of the supermarket: "The average supermarket like this produces annually approximately 5-6 tonnes of waste. When you look into our containers, you will see that there is very often end goods whose lifetime has not yet expired. It's because manufacturers deliberately significantly shorten the expiry date of the goods. They do this as a precaution against possible financial problems. In the past, a bottle of mineral water could be sold year and a half, and are now thrown away after half a year. Date of consumption of meat, fish and eggs linked to potential health risks. But many people mistakenly believe that this is true for all foods. Therefore, you
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