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3 servings maecon
Weigh the exact amount of the blender and blend together. Also you dare sugar and stir until pureed prunes. We put on the stove, maecon and the boiling point, stirring constantly maecon cook for 20-30 minutes until we can not do with a spoon in the middle line.
The finished jam poured into the cups dry, closed, and quickly turned upside down. The cooling takes several hours. Then write Cups year and posting them into the chamber or cake. :-) From this batch I went 3 medium cups. Do you like this recipe?
marianna76, 28 August maecon 2012 about 14:37 HC bite Sometimes, I cut into pieces, maecon covered in sugar, a little more I gave up, 400g is indeed sweet, but my guys so they can ... Now I have brought it and give less sugar. after backfilling I waited a few hours to let go juice and then I cooked over an hour, it looks like the boiler ... soon .... I certainly still do so, even with cocoa and chocolate ..... the second year will be much plum ...
Daisy, 28 August 2012 about 15:03 Long ago I got these recipes. They are tried and jam and Klever will last a long time, messing with. Klever is only slightly thinner than jam. Plum jam 3 kg of ripe plums, add 500 grams of sugar and 250 ml of vinegar. Season with a bit of lemon zest and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Stir and let the cloth covered the second day in a cool place. Then umelte or mixed fruit. Simmer for 4-5 hours. They say they do not burn, so you do not even stir often. Klever 1kg of 25 ounces sugar 2 half. 1 tablespoon rum half. tablespoons of vinegar maecon pinch of cinnamon Fruit rob, mix together and weld. Hot fill into jars.
lorain20, 28 August 2012 about 15:05 I believe this recipe maecon is good. We used a recipe from slivok in brown sugar, vinegar as well and delete the bottom of the oil and let cook without stirring for 5 hours. Already after an hour and I have everything prihorelo problem pot clean. A plum ended up in containers made them feel prihoretym.
snezienka11, 28 August 2012 about 19:55 marianna76, almost everyone I know does marmalades and fruit sliced it just me mixing up ... I do not know why .. a few pieces of fruit nerozmixujem and they will add the pureed fruit. :) Jam with cocoa or chocolate, I heard, but I fear also try .. Thanks for the comment :)
marianna76, 28 August 2012 about 23:41 you know where I give cocoa, maecon the sterilized ... otherwise .... and such. if I make jams, cut fruit, and when a little boil, mixnem immersion whichever way I want and I will add gelfix 2:1 according to the instructions .... and also I have subjugated and the plum ... try, it's fast ... I and those of cooked mixed well submersible ...
Chekhov, 29 August 2012 06:30 I have all the marmalade jar years takto.Veľký pot into which I can fit about 5 kg of plums, sometimes leaves no sugar but only 1 kg nepoškodí.Do the bottom of the pot will give 1/2dcl superimposed halved plum vinegar and sprinkle cukrom.Nechám stand 12 hod.napr.od evening to morning and posting to the bottom of the oven, set at a temperature 140/150st.CA yet to give the door a spatula so that escape maecon para von.No so just suck up the smell when I cook or watch telly or going and work for about 6/7 hours I have half a pot super lekváriku! pot so plum, apple, maecon pear, .... do not mix, do not open the oven and survives even pot too OK.Z 5 kg 2 kg of fruit quality so I jam and hold years.
zinnajdha, 29 August 2012 at 11:59 and I plum jam bake in the oven at a higher container or neprská or neprihorí. I do not give vinegar, just half an hour before end of cooking time a little sugar - to taste and acidity of plums. We have a very sweet plums, therefore, be little sugar. Bake 3-4 hours. The result is a classic durable, high-quality dense and very tasty plum jam - jam. During cooking the whole apartment smells, but I do not feel the smell of plums, it's simply beautiful fragrance.
Chekhov, 30 August 2012 about 06:59 Yes, quite the dno.Lekvár be left to cook slowly, as the Czechs speak slowly pull the lower rather than higher temperature. No. I do not know me and has never neprihorel pot is a common 50ročný guess .....
amy72, 30 August 2012 15:49 I'm doing a jam like Daisy, only to end when it has finished Stir in 1 kl cinnamon and 100 ml rum-to 6 kg plums, the rum to be conserved and not feel it has to end in each glass still on top of a drop of rum
snezienka11, 21 September 2012 o 21:26 Yes yes and we did. :) This year we have made in each fruit jam, but still we are lacking and plum. We got a basket full of plums, one part went to Plum cake with streusel from the author Petkaaaaaaa and the remainder of the jam. :)
needle, 7 October 2013 about 13:29 I made plum jam for the first time Ziva
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