Saturday, December 21, 2013

jezibabka, 19 April 2012 on 22:04 an3da ... when there is water, so there is a para ... just like w Home News World Regions Ekomomika Culture teddington legal Sports Opinions history on Car Magazines Housing Cocktail Travel Money Job VAT Female Health Journal spoon Recipes Christmas teddington legal Ideas Advice Birdz Blog Flog Pivnička Discounts ePravda Relax Let's read to children Debate Theatres Festivals Games Horoscopes Pictures Infographics Cinemas Concerts teddington legal Skull Sudoku Competition TV program
We love popcorn, the whole family plus neighbors ... Once we have done in the old container and container we had the most rapidly teddington legal move to nezahoreli. I got good advice. I have an older pressure cooker, we got as a wedding teddington legal gift. So I tried it in the pot. So we do popcorn in a pressure cooker. I'll let there oil, corn and salt, and will make stops while shooting, do not open. That pot or else I did not use, only a few times. I am good at cooking vessel of domestic production when Uvarov at nine, on the third it is still warm.
rigocka, 30 January 2012 o 13:20 Well .... that I could try, I share a pressure cooker, yet unused, but 25 year old (also as a wedding gift). Yet I had the courage to try it, because once my buddy blew up, he made mess in the kitchen and it was there, so my nice, new 25 year old resting somewhere based in the chamber :)))
tykadielko, 31 January 2012 at 10:18 am I doing popcorn in a pan - add butter and corn, cover with a lid over the fire and movement to really broke out ... We could both the port and container corn - could it be for half a year ... we love popcorn : D
svetlana9, 31 January 2012 17:57 I'm buying the popcorn in the protective paper bags, to give ripples, I turn it according to instructions. Not dirty like wave, explosions like a fireworks are either salty al. butter. Three minutes it's done without the old pots and pans.
rea1, 1 February 2012 at 11:40 I would do it in a pressure cooker and tried but I fear that I burst out. you're doing it this way - Give me some courage. when it Rachel, whom I have let him scold. :-)))
45678, 1 February 2012 on 14:02 We have a home popcorn machine, maize and pour it through the mouth falls just popcorn, it's safe and you are not expensive. I also had the courage to do it in a pressure cooker, teddington legal so I admire @ an3da with waiting, who still gives me the courage :-))
an3da, 1 February 2012 on 15:35 Rachel pot should therefore there is not water-liquid that boils when has that power, ie. vapor that exploded. I never exploded and even my daughter often does in the pot popcorn for all.
jezibabka, 19 April 2012 on 22:04 an3da ... when there is water, so there is a para ... just like writing ..... and there is no reason to do it in a pressure cooker pressure teddington legal .... arise, because it does not have to choose .... it's exactly the same as an ordinary pot with lid ...
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