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cheeky, 18 January 2013 16:04 by supplication: Pour stray cats and dog granules under the container! Birdie put suet or seeds! Came the harsh winter, snow in higher animals half full glass of wine can not find food! Thanks. Cheeky
vini55, 18 January 2013 o 16:16 On my walk Feeders and young woodpeckers and the basement, I uncovered a roll of hay, better than telly-fire up the oven to bake potatoes under the pot, chop the onion, bacon, pulling litrík Veltliner and quiet to do but beautiful. It started to pour, tomorrow I'll go look "Pinco". Fire up under Slovak prošutko /'m bloat / a hajde out a way I can try and maple diet-few are growing at the edge of a forest and I can try to nibble.
Helica, 18 January 2013 16:19 by-Bird to supplement the one hundred and six for about 20 years. I prefer to pay coconuts directly half full glass of wine to the balcony. But because the creatures have made a mess and neighbors to prevent the husband made a nice self-feeders and have it under the windows of an apartment building in prezáhradke. Sunflower most like to have, but when you discover here - there nuts and sunflower has a chance half full glass of wine only when they fasted. Fortunately, stray cats or dogs in the area not included. half full glass of wine Otherwise I do not know, do not know if the container under more accidents rats than those cats and they really do not need additional food.
sovka62, 18 January 2013 16:28 by @ cheeky, you would not believe how many people are compassionate half full glass of wine finds. Once this winter and landed on the desks tallow and sunflower bullets, start to disappear like snow in the sun. Sunflower to sell tons of tallow and thousands of bullets. And the interesting thing is that the purchases go mostly retirees, half full glass of wine who would those of a cent may be needed for something else, but do not regret them. And thy advice to add one. If you close thrushes, you can occasionally offer them apples, or at least Adam's apple and scrap them. They love them, at least ours, when the husband comes with sliced apples half full glass of wine in hand, would land him thirty centimeters to feet and calmly waiting for allocation. A whole summer of our gratitude vyspevujú, you should hear the concert after a summer rain!
afataga, 18 January 2013 about 16:44 we feed outlaw, especially titmouse go for sunflower seeds, stray dogs you do not want to learn how to walk to the house, because we have a female and when the hara, dogs burrow underneath the fence, a tribute to the woods woods :-)
Helica, 18 January 2013 o 16:47 @ Sovka, I think a psychic, I just thought about it that the poorest are compassionate. My mom (88) years of age, never forget to give 5 euros "on sunflower for birds" when we go on chat. Whether it is summer or winter, birds and deer get their lane and also we give the apples and carrots. Just moles neprikrmujeme and still with us very well and feel for the world we can not say that they could go to the neighbors.
medulienka122, 18 January 2013 at 17:00 we feed those divine stvoreniatka all winter, every day their husband poured half full glass of wine sunflower, half full glass of wine it is not enough to go buy it today crows came to the field and just ďobkali in the frozen ground half full glass of wine one knows what, I had to taste them something spill: - )
Joy, 18 January 2013 at 17:00 and I feed my birds every winter-buy a bag of sunflower is now 35-pound ... and we are left hanging on the original feeder 4 spaced half full glass of wine locations around-in our reach-in nature .. the cottage with Mom -84R ..... on Kopanici-where only occasionally in the winter, people show us ... also very pleased .. We feed on the window ... and the sight: .. titmouse goldfinch Čížik .. .. .. Zelienka even Glezg last year-this year yet .. even bullfinch years ago .. :-)) = all this arrives at a window in a block of flats on the 3rd floor. . and I am pleased to watch out nuthatch-climber doluhlávkový ..
3sandra3, 18 January 2013 o 18:53 I'm back in December tallow left hanging on the trees. Board monitors and tits to wake up. But the test flight there and sparrows occasionally. And I even saw a mockingbird, as he approached the ball, but then thought better of it and flew around. half full glass of wine It's a beauty, so watch nature.
bubaya, 18 January 2013 about 19:28 Attention. Do not give birdie bacon. Her tits gratefully pozobú. But bacon is salty, birds thirst is frozen, do not drink where the water and die. Give just an ordinary tallow, lard or rendered on. I will give the peanuts in a net. I live in the city, but a window into the garden, so go tit, bullfinch, nuthatches, Glezg, sometimes secretly and thrushes, and yesterday half full glass of wine you in the net with nuts enjoying woodpecker. Came a squirrel, but did not like it. I have to crack
Abdul, 18 January 2013 o 20:14 Tits on the balcony while disposed in order kilogram of sunflower fifth since the beginning of winter. Sometimes the bottom of the home roasted greaves. Matter also pobijú.Hrdličky half full glass of wine are learned for rice. 3 couples.
Havin, 18 January 2013 about 21:06 every winter at our branches hanging balls tallow, or piece of skin
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