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Ingredients 2 pcs 1 pc pheasant red onion 2 cloves garlic 150 g 6 slices pancetta (good) bacon 4 pcs 4 pcs juniper whole black pepper 300 ml prosecco pink olive oil sea salt ground black pepper Salad of celery and apples: 1 piece (small) 2 celery pieces (larger) apples apples flambé: 2-3 pieces (larger) apples walk in cooler freezer combo 100 ml Armagnac 1 tbsp granulated brown sugar 15 g butter
You Warm the oven to 200 C, pheasants Opal over a flame, clean, sprinkle bacon, pancetta, other 100 g lay pheasants and even fry in oil. You chop onions into rings, walk in cooler freezer combo which add to the warm-pan with olive oil and a piece of butter and spinach, add diced pancetta, crushed juniper berries and whole Cirnu pepper and toss. Thus Preparation fooled put in Janského glass that put pheasants.
Thus prepared pheasant cover and put in the heated oven, ovens for about 15 minutes. In a small mug Heat the Prosecco, if we do so we can use other pink wine. Pheasant from the oven to the breasts put bacon, pepper and salt, pour over hot wine again, cover and bake further 30 minutes. Serve with baked potatoes, apples flambé and quiet and celery salad.
Salad Celery: Celery salad with apples do I prepare simply be cut celery, cleaned and cut into millimeter strips that cut into wafer-thin noodles, put in a bowl, add lemon juice to your liking and pot with boiling water and leave gaps. Apples can be cleaned and cut into small cubes which eventually comes into strained celery and season with lemon juice.
Flambéed apples: apples flambé you prepare so that we get rid of the core the apples washed and cut into 1 cm thick Lap, Warm the a sufficiently large saucepan, add a bit of butter and brown sugar until melted, add apples and sauté until slight browning, add the Armagnac or if we do so cognac, prehrejme and enthusiasm, burn residual alcohol and cover for 2 minutes. Do you like this recipe?
babidka, 28 January 2013 about 07:05 It looks beautiful, we can postpone this recipe and next time when I have them done so Pheasants with this recipe. .... But it made of fresh Pheasants? Let them marinate? I have had experience with the game and also with the pheasant and I know that if I do it now without fresh cellaring, so the meat is dry and literally be through walk in cooler freezer combo him "wade through". Or maybe they were the English Pheasants other than our? :-)
Jerica, 28 January 2013 at 11:58 ahojky, walk in cooler freezer combo super processed, and the perfect raw material, it does not have an error, I adore pheasant soup, obviously your not refuse such a variant. Yesterday (Sunday) we were invited to her son for lunch, made terrine of rabbit and roasted rabbit with stuffing, to draw basmati rice, although it was not a game, but not a mistake, we had to change the diet of the Sunday, we had a zabaštili: - )
Ethanol, 28 January 2013 20:43 by @ Jerica great terrine I've done a few times and I must say I've always enjoyed that the rabbit used to do but only for themselves wife's not even seen nor is it always horrified mainly from small pets if you Zajka. I always kralika Abortion garlic, pour white wine and add herbs and sup piston or also a good casserole with vegetables.
evanaaa, 28 January 2013 o 22:40 @ Ethan, where you been so long sewn up, I thought you were lost and re-welcoming well as pheasants. Once I tried, but just tried to do a pheasant, as is already remember, I was young, and that ended in a container - hard and disgusting. @ Nonna - = bacon pancetta (Italian).
Ethanol, 28 January 2013 o 22:51 Thanks for your comments girls :) @ evanaaa but I lost was because I finished the book yet, and then work, moving walk in cooler freezer combo to a new house in the UK, furnishing and decorating ... And now every day expect addition to the family baby boy named Ethan Alexander so they also other concerns and joys, a little stress this week I Kratie writing and cooking. I'm glad I'm back among you.
Ethanol, 28 January 2013 22:57 by @ helca103 little thank you I was taking pictures at home wife and spoke with me that we took pictures together so I did and collectively photos although I hate the state before the camera before you stands behind him :)
Nonna, 29 January 2013 at 09:58 So the book? Certainly culinary, here I would like to have. Maybe next we could "túgedr" ...... :) What do you think? I also truly registered Your absence. On FBčku as SvetlanaNonnaToman.
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