Saturday, November 15, 2014

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Often times we are careless in doing something, but if it does not harm others might not matter, but what if the opposite. As did some of these people, they were lax in making food, they are less thoroughly so strange objects poljoprivredni institut also the following animals can be present in food.
Strange, since when a food place has a relationship with a condom? Yet this is what happened to the poor woman in February 2002. Because when they want to eat a bowl of pasta, he felt he had to bite something very hard to chew. At first he felt that the object is a squid. But after he felt sorrow for chewing, he removed what turned out to be a condom. It is then made directly complain to the manager over their negligence in serving food
It may be the case that one is not a dangerous occurrence, but of course terrible. How not, a man who had just bought frozen food for consumption has been struck by an object in it. Well man named Clarence Stowers is finding a piece of a human finger in frozen food it eats. The finger pieces he had put into the mouth after then he realized that it was a piece of a finger! And after investigation found that the finger is the finger one of the employees who was injured while working with machinery. Around this time, Clarence was doing pemrotesan to the stores that sell these foods.
The case of the discovery of the strange object and unnatural times this happens to a man who was sipping poljoprivredni institut a bottle of Diet Pepsi in his yard. Is Fred, the man who was holding a barbecue at his house this then feel thirsty and decided to spend a bottle of Diet Pepsi. But moments later, he felt something was jammed in her throat. After he was trying to remove the object, how very shocked poljoprivredni institut and surprised himself. How not, a small frog is almost dead he swallowed with liquid he drank Diet Pepsi. As a result of this, he immediately checked himself into the center of neutralizing toxins at a nearby clinic.
Everyone of course was disgusted if they see a cockroach, especially women, when looking at it already disgusted what if to eat it. Men who did not know his name was found cockroaches in the snack she had eaten anchovies. Snacks that have a mixture of sesame was almost covered body of the dead cockroaches. However, sesame-studded cockroaches that makes him believe that cockroaches have been unintentionally become the material of manufacture of these snacks. poljoprivredni institut
Of the many errors in the manufacture of food, perhaps that is the most fatal mistake. A man in New York recently sued a restaurant due to the negligence of its agents in serving food. How not, John Agnesini find a knife in a sandwich that has been presented as an order. Somehow the work of employees in the restaurant. Until a small knife go into the sandwich was. John does not bite or swallow the knife. But a few moments after being eating a sandwich, he felt nauseous and not feeling well.
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