Tuesday, March 24, 2015

In the process of social interaction, symbolically people communicate meaning to others involved. d

Indonesia, which has a lot of natural disgusting things found in food beauty, unique culture and historical disgusting things found in food places of the past. Various places in the territory of Indonesia is positive for Indonesian tourism. Some areas in the region also has high potential in tourism. Bali, the island in the first position when seen sights of the most visited disgusting things found in food both of local and foreign tourists. disgusting things found in food The second position is occupied by Yogyakarta, historical narratives depicted in Yogyakarta provide benefits to a wide cultural and historical place into a tourist destination. Besides being known as a student city, education city, Yogyakarta is well known as a tourist town. It is also supported by the geographical location of the city of Yogyakarta. Even to reach the place where tourism is very easy to access.
Sultan Palace is famous for its culture that is very thick, Malioboro very friendly with tourists disgusting things found in food because of the multiplicity of piihan souvenirs of Jogja at affordable prices, Monument Attack The March is known as the hero of the struggle evidence during the fight against the invaders. One more no Jogja Kembali Monument was built to be a means of planting the nation's character and historical introduction. Education for young people to appreciate disgusting things found in food the services of a hero through tourism. Tourist attraction felt more able to seize the attention of the younger generation. disgusting things found in food A walk while discovering new knowledge relating to the history. disgusting things found in food
3. Describes the process interactions that occur in the environment Jogja Kembali Monument.
Symbolic interactionist principal concern is the impact disgusting things found in food on the meaning and symbols of human action and interaction. in this case there is no point using the notion of petrbedaan behavior Mead covered with overt behavior. Closed behavior is the process of thinking, disgusting things found in food which involves symbols and meanings. Overt behavior is the actual behavior performed by actors. Some overt behavior does not involve closed behavior (eg habitual behavior or response to external stimuli without thinking). However, most human actions involve both types of such behavior. The behavior of the subject covered paramount concern inteaksionis symbolic, while the overt behavior becomes paramount concern theorists principal exchange or traditional behaviorist in general. disgusting things found in food
Meanings and symbols give special characteristics to social action (which involves a single actor) disgusting things found in food and social interaction (which involves two or more actors who perform reciprocal social action). In other words, when performing an action, people also tried to estimate the impact on other actors involved. Although often engage in habitual behavior without thinking, people have the capacity to engage in social action.
In the process of social interaction, symbolically people communicate meaning to others involved. disgusting things found in food Others interpret these symbols and direct response actions based on their interpretation. In other words, the social interaction of actors involved in the process of influence affect. Christopher (2001) called this dynamic social interaction with "dance" which involves couples.
Symbolic interactionist not only interested in the socialization but in general interaction, which is also "has its own importance" (Blumer, 1969B: 8). Interaction is the process when thinking ability is developed and expressed. All types of interaction, not just interaction during socialization, polish our thinking ability. Beyond that, think membangaun interaction process. In most from the interaction, the actor must consider other people to decide whether or not and how to adjust their activities with the activities of others. However, not all interactions involve the process disgusting things found in food of thinking. The distinction made Blumer (Following Mead) between two basic forms of social interaction are relevant in this subject. The first is non-symbolic interaction / Mead idea of conversation gestures or do not involve the process of thinking. The second symbolic interaction disgusting things found in food requires disgusting things found in food mental processes. (George Ritzer and Douglas J. Goodman, 2010: 373)
In theory explains that the community as a social system, consisting of the parts (subsystems) are independent. Each part has a specific function, which is responsible for keeping the existence and functioning of the system as a whole. Each element or subsystem must be assessed in relation to the functions and role of the system, as well as views of the consequences caused by the behavior of a subsystem. So, that is seen is a real function, not the function should be.
If a system can maintain its limits, then the system will be stable. Functioning of each section (subsystem) in a system, will cause the system to exist in a state equilibri

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