Source: Mortimer reveals secret, nastiest food lonely life of Benny Hill in April 2004 BBC BBC plans to shoot series, dedicated to the famous comedians, including Tommy Cooper (Tommy Cooper, 1921-1984, the famous comedian and magician, died on stage during a "live" TV show), Spike Milligan nastiest food (Spike Milligan, 1918 - 2002, the Irish writer, poet, writer, comedian and musician.) and Benny Hill. About Benny says Sir John Mortimer (Sir John Clifford Mortimer), British playwright, actor, writer: "Like all comedians, he was very lonely and strange man." Despite the well-known obscene jokes and surrounding troupe "angels nastiest food Hill" actor success with women did not use: "I think he tried to be cheerful and optimistic, but I do not think he was lucky with the girls; nastiest food he was haunted by a series of misfortunes ... On his mantelpiece lay a pile neobnalichennyh checks. He died alone in his terrible cramped apartment, and no one even noticed - until the neighbors do not smell. " Sketch show Benny Hill came out in theaters for 20 years, from 1969 to 1989. Issues of "The Benny Hill Show" sold in more than 90 countries, nastiest food including China and Russia. Benny Hill did not leave a will; a documentary film titled "Who's got millions of Benny?" (what happened to his family millions of pounds). nastiest food
20 years after his death, the actor-comedian is a mystery - although many consider it vulgar sexist, it does not prevent Benny Hill continue to be popular throughout the world. Actor drew inspiration mainly in his childhood and adolescence, when he worked in Eastleigh and Southampton. Benny Hill for many years lived alone in his mother's house in Vestrou Gardens (Westrow Gardens). TV critic and friend of Harry Hill Bushel (Garry Bushell) nastiest food says: "Southampton should be proud of the fact that there lived a famous person like Benny." But no significant monument to one of the most famous TV star is not set to this day. Alfred Hawthorn Hill (Alfred Hawthorn Hill) was born in 1924 in Southampton on Bridge Street. He later changed his name to Benny, in honor of his favorite comedian Jack Benny (Jack Benny).
pictured: Benny in his school years in Eastleigh in the early years of Benny Hill milk were transported on a trolley - in 1971 on the basis of these memoirs appeared hit comic called "Ernie the fastest milkman in the West (Ernie, The Fastest Milkman in the West ). Dale Malcolm (Malcolm Dale) of the Historical Society Eastleigh (Eastleigh nastiest food Historical Society), says: "Benny Hill set out to be the best. Many of his characters nastiest food originate here. He went to the local clothing stores in search of a suit vicar and the like. " In 17 years, Alfred (the future nastiest food Benny Hill) left Southampton for finding a place on the stage in London. In 1955, he already had his own TV show. Zenith nastiest food of Fame "The Benny Hill Show" on channel Thames Television reached nastiest food in the 1970s. Then on British television was not a popular program. Naughty rude jokes in vaudeville key has been and remains a favorite among audiences around the world. They say that Charlie Chaplin was assigned to the regiment under the recording gear Benny Hill.
Benny Hill rarely gave interviews, his reticence on par with life alone gave food mass gossip and rumors. The grave in the cemetery actor Hollibruk nastiest food (Hollybrook Cemetery) in Southampton was dug by vandals - there were rumors that Benny was buried with a whole collection nastiest food of gold jewelry. "He was treated like a pariah," Toward the end of the 1980s, Benny Hill Show differed increasingly outspoken politically incorrect and sexist jokes, and soon the channel ITV removed nastiest food it from the grid. Bushel television critic Harry believes that Benny treated cruelly and unjustly: "It is amazing that a man of talent Benny Hill was treated like a pariah. After all, he was the first comic actor, who began to explore and exploit the full potential of television. Benny used to depict some sexist monster, but if you look at his show, we can see that the targets nastiest food of his jokes were always men. This they behaved ridiculous and stupid, they were met with lampposts nastiest food and received a slap. Women in the end always been in pole position. All this is harmless and not insulting than humorous nastiest food cards with the coast (seaside postcards). nastiest food Making people laugh, make them really laugh - a great gift. Benny Hill was a nice, unassuming man, humble and very generous. " Hill died alone in his London flat April 20, 1992. Two decades later, he, icon comedy, set a few memorable characters. Commemorative plaque opened nastiest food a shop where he worked as a milk glass transport and Taunton College, where he studied Benny Hill, boasts a memorial garden in honor of former student. Rigton Alice (Alice Wrighton), di
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