Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Eye exercises Dr Harish S Belvi, ophthalmologists in Mumbai, explained that the regular working hou

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Eye exercises Dr Harish S Belvi, ophthalmologists in Mumbai, explained that the regular working hours must be interspersed with periods of rest. When resting Dr. Harish suggests a small and easy way to practice: First, glass carboy the eye blink several times. glass carboy While blindfolded, turn the eyeball either unidirectional or counter-clockwise turns and inhale deeply. Slowly, open your eyes while releasing the breath. Perform this exercise for a few minutes and repeat at least three times before you get back to work. Good exercise for your eyes! Look away when working for a long time, look at an object in the distance, both inside and outside the office. See the distance and then back on the job helps the eye to focus better. Try doing this for five to ten minutes every hour. Palming Sit straight in your chair and rub both palms of your hands until it feels warm. Then paste palms on the eyes and relax for 60 seconds. The warmth of your palms helps soothe and relax the tired eyes. Repeat this exercise two or three times if your eyes feel tired, glass carboy or as often as you want in advance when water splashes splash water to break down, while closing your eyes. This raises a relaxing effect and help you refreshed. Stroll After finishing lunch, take a stroll outside the office for a few minutes. glass carboy It will provide enough glass carboy rest to your eyes and also get some fresh air. Use the tea bag tea bag Leave two former in the refrigerator before going to work. When he got back to the house, put the tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes while relaxing. This not only soothes tired eyes, but also eliminate bruising. Drinking water Drinking lots of water, helps eliminate fatigue. When dehydrated, especially in air-conditioned room, the body starts storing water as a form of self defense. This adds kelebaman around the eyes. Eat healthy eating foods containing vitamin A, C, and E each day; eating sour fruit, green vegetables, tomatoes, spinach, chicken meat and milk. If you need to wrap it in a piece of carrot, cucumber and fresh fruit for dikudap outside meal times at the office.
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