Many unanswered questions in a stationary economy with no growth or decline, in short, many things work very differently than we are hardly able to imagine today. Keep the spirit wide open to capture possible trends, potential changes modular room in attitude and values, modular room and educate ourselves in adaptability modular room allows us to avoid the traumas and conflicts that inevitably occur. Could adapt without serious social conflicts in situations modular room of scarcity? Will we give up the mentality to go to the optimizing of optimizing? Will we be able to overcome the addiction to consumerism which we have become accustomed? And share it with the world's impoverished populations increasingly few resources? We will have strength and ability to build an anti-capitalist social movement capable of winning the battle? These are crucial questions that we dare to ask if we really want to stop the race to the abyss which leads to predatory capitalism now dominant
The vision of sustainable degrowth modular room is defined as a smooth and equitable reduction of production and consumption that increases human well-being and enhances ecological conditions modular room (Schneider et al., 2010). Those of us who write about the decline conceive of a future in which societies live within its ecological capacity, where there is localized economies that distribute resources more equitable means of new forms of democratic institutions. These companies no longer have to "grow or die". The material accumulation no longer occupy a privileged position in the cultural imagination. Instead of giving priority to efficiency, the company will focus on sufficiency. The organizing principles are simplicity, sociability and sharing. modular room Innovation is no longer aimed at promoting new technologies with a zeal only technological, but also used to carry out social and technical arrangements to facilitate a frugal life and sociable.
Why would decrease? 1 To avoid climate modular room catastrophe, the destruction of ecosystems and the depletion of resources. This can not be achieved with technological improvements and behavioral modular room changes modular room simple: we must also reduce the scale of the economy (Jackson, modular room 2009). modular room Over three hundred years of industrialization, there was a close correlation between economic growth and various forms of resource use and generation of environmental damage modular room (in particular, the energy use and CO2 emissions) . The few countries, mainly modular room European, have stabilized in recent years their CO2 emissions or their material flows have been due to economic shocks, such as the former modular room communist countries, or by exporting the production of their commodities to other countries such as the UK has done. After years of intergovernmental deliberations, which followed the environmental summit in Stockholm and Rio, and rivers of ink have been spent in the name of "sustainable development", the only specific reduction of CO2 emissions began 2008 as a result of the recent economic crisis. Thus, our aim must be to ensure that this growth beneficial for the environment also becomes socially sustainable. 2 Economic growth no longer is, economic; increasing GDP does increase welfare (Daly, 1996). Studies have been published by psychologists and economists show that the parameters important to the happiness and well basic (such as public health and education) are correlated with economic growth only to a certain point. Beyond this point, the growth performance is reduced; increased economic growth does not imply a welfare improvement. We are running faster to stay in the same place. In most western societies, we reached this impasse for decades. However, we are investing more and more natural resources and labor to produce new devices and consumer products only generate (at best) marginal improvements for the welfare of people modular room who use it and instead have dire effects for those who produce and those who receive waste, boats, computers or mobile phones rule. Communities living on the borders of extracting oil or metals or waste disposal are now living in hell (Martinez-Alier et al., 2010); no need to wait for the arrival of climate change. And all in vain. Most people living in the West (which is at the forefront of
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