What is CIC? Principles Background How we organize ourselves? Decisions Regional Network of Local government projects Ecoxarxa Nuclei bushey park autonomous initiative collectivized (Paico) Other initiatives Integrated Cooperative Economic System Self Self-financing social disobedience economic Currency System Public Housing Cooperative Education bushey park Food Health Participation in any office or any committee project, local or core self Ecoxarxa As a cooperative partner as a partner autoocupat From Job
We live in a market bushey park society, in a world where everything has been transformed ... into a commodity culture, health, education, time of people, all the life experience bushey park of each individual has been privatized and turned into commodities, a service economy that generates the ephemeral illusion of being temporary, that overrides the freedom and autonomy bushey park of the individual human heads inevitably towards its own systemic precipice in accelerated and chaotic drift. To assess symptoms bushey park of chaos announced did not expect, simply stop for a moment and look at the world is no longer a chaos that the ideal of human life is reduced to a simple digestive function, the existence The event is limited to compulsive eating to die? What is cacarejat success of the economy, capitalist, unable to manage with minimal bushey park rationality abundant natural and human resources, underestimate the creativity and talent of large masses of individuals reduced to the status of wage slaves, or worse, excluded from the market by insolvent beings surplus, obsolete? What is the success of a system that makes life in a competitive game show in the style of Big Brother? Understand that this economy has achieved this success hearing is the beginning of a new awareness that leads to the urgent need to organize social life so radically different, aimed at coexistence. Well, that and the other thing is the complete revolution.
At the height of this order, the economy of the future can only be communal, based on the rescue of the commons, those not belonging to anyone accessible to all. These natural resources existing on planet Earth, and the fragmentation of which private bushey park property is an aberration and ecological bushey park rational cosmic dimensions. They are all goods that sustain life as a whole and not just the human species, the assets that make up the vast wealth of the world today kidnapped and transformed scarce commodity only available to individuals and predators competitive under the protection of a law protecting private property of primitive instincts evolved genes, those that prevent us from being truly human, take off the culture of our ancestors, the primates.
Speaking today the community is present refer to a very few real waste saved from plunder propietarista, the appropriation of the common culture. I disagree with those who claim that social movements are located in the center of the communal political discussion, because as soon as this trial relates to public goods, confused with "the bushey park state" controlled and managed by the property market bushey park in collusion with States with the aim of privatization bushey park and commodification, producing bushey park power and, ultimately, control over citizens-consumers.
In general, academic economists have considered these common resources or access "open" (for a generic characterization and approximate) always require the intervention of the state or private interest, based on the well-known dilemma as the "tragedy of the commons" described by Garrett Hardin in 1968, according to which individuals collectivelly with managing bushey park a common resource, eventually destroying it, even with its convenience, motivated by his own individual interest. Economist Elinor Ostrom cited as an exception to this academic tradition, having studied "how different companies have developed institutional forms and about specific cases in which human communities have instituted communal practices that have allowed the preservation of communal property and prevent environmental degradation. " Their work showed that communities develop sophisticated mechanisms for decision management of conflicts of interest against those who have always tried to present bushey park practices of communal waste as simple and primitive societies, bushey park the idea that fixed and erroneous economy, in the end, science is only suitable for experts.
The fundamental work of Ostrom was about "Governing the Commons: The
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