It's easy to get agreement on the desirability of harmonizing personal values and the values of the company, but bring it into practice is difficult. Often there is tension, as if the values treasure craft cookie jars needed to build a company disagreed with issues such as kindness and generosity or rest and family treasure craft cookie jars life, for example. The business environment is often seen as inevitably characterized by fierce competition, a tremendous psychological pressure, hectic activity and a relentless focus on maximizing productivity and profits.
Look, then, to offer some criteria for what can be done to try less poignant conflict between personal values and corporate. Readily agreed that this problem requires solutions that theoretical practices. The problem is not basically clarify our notions about values, or to establish treasure craft cookie jars a list of what are the important values of our time, even though these tasks are also relevant. The basic problem is how to change treasure craft cookie jars our behavior, personal and collective, so that there may be greater harmony between personal and corporate values.
For those, however, who prefer to start by understanding what definition of value used as a starting point, we believe treasure craft cookie jars that values those elements (ideas, ways of doing things, habits, standards ...) interioritzables (by person ) sharable (not exclusive of each person) able to articulate (to a structure), target (make sense) and mobilize (generate action) as much thought as the (personal, organizational, social) that are considered after a process of analysis, reflection and debate as aspirations personally and collectively constructive and worthy of being freely taken as references.
The harmonization of personal values and corporate practice involves both processes of personal change and business change. The fundamental treasure craft cookie jars question is: how to work at personal values and business processes in order to implement real transformation?
Incorporate values the person treasure craft cookie jars is not an easy task. It is not simply a matter of will or desire. It's a matter of work, a matter treasure craft cookie jars of strategy, a matter of using the right tools to develop their own way of being so that they become "permeable" values. Here I would highlight three basic tools:
1 The debate about values. I think the approach of Kohlberg on ethical growth through discussions on values and situations that come into play can extend treasure craft cookie jars beyond the school year and become a permanent activity that allows everyone was changing their points of view, the system of personal values and "ethical sensibility" through a sincere and serious debate in this field. This approach involves discussions with ourselves, our peers, teachers treasure craft cookie jars or people with more experience. Includes active participation in public debates on ethical issues, an interest that really engages us, have an impact on us, instead of being mere entertainment.
2 Involvement in projects impregnated values. In addition to the debates, we should actively and practically involved in initiatives that "unrelated" to the values that are deeply related to fundamental values. These can be, for example, initiatives related to the struggle for justice and against war, practical help to the sick and the marginalized, treasure craft cookie jars or the effort to eradicate hunger and poverty. It also includes things such as modest initiatives to promote neighborly gathering of family or friends to contact. This involvement is a way of incorporating real values in our lives (or the potential to develop our values, if you prefer an approach from the inside out instead treasure craft cookie jars of outside to inside, I think both images are useful complementary and true).
3 Contact with people imbued with values. The teachers can call if you want, but people can be very normal, very simple. These are real people, but the environment, situation or institution treasure craft cookie jars in which they operate can also contribute to the transmission of values. It is important to establish treasure craft cookie jars a direct contact with those people who, in embodying values, convey. The values can be passed from one person to another through personal contact, similar to a candle can light another.
What process is derived from the use of these tools? Schematically and simplistic history of the values embodied in our personal lives could be filed (or should be) like this:
A. We look at ourselves and see that we have many things in our
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