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1. Satere Mawe - Deep in the Amazon jungle of the Amazon there is an interesting side of ritual maturity of Satere-Mawe tribe. The youth of Satere-Mawe tribe must put their hands in the "glove" made of woven filled with ants bullet (bullet ant) to reach their maturity. And it was done for approximately 10 minutes without shouting and should be done during repeated, bread boxes could even reach 20 times. Ants placed in gloves made of woven plant, with fangs sting leads into. Previous bread boxes ants had been treated with a liquid that makes the ants unconscious. After the ants are aware, the ritual begins. According to "schmidt sting pain index" from amazon famous bullet ants have the most painful sting among all other types of ants that exist around the world. The skin will burn if exposed to these ants sting and pain of the sting will last for 24 hours.
2. Mardudjara circumcision - Australian aboriginal tribes Mardudjara Ritual circumcision is a bit different than usual. When people Mardudjara rate is approaching maturity, the youth may impose circumcision, which is around the age of 15-16 years. In this ritual the boy's circumcision ditelentangkan near a campfire, bread boxes then the young man's chest occupied by chiefs with facing the young man's genitals. Then the skin of his cock in pieces using a knife that has dijampi spells.
But the ritual process does not stop here. After the cutting process is completed the chiefs ordered the boy to open his mouth and then the young man may impose his own cock skin swallow without chewing. 3. Maasai warrior - Kenya, Tanzania Maasai tribe Youths Kenya and Tanzania has set a rite of passage that bring boys into manhood. Around the age of 10 or 15 years that will be used as the new soldiers.
The night before the ceremony, each boy will be taken to sleep in the woods and back to the dawn of time. Upon returning to the village, they may impose drink milk mixed with cow blood and then in circumcision. Once circumcised, all Maasai tribe would consider himself a man, a hero, and the protector of the village. 4. Land Diving Vanuatu, South Pacific Island countries Bungee jumping, everyone would already know this extreme bread boxes sport, but in Vanuatu, bungee jumping presented other than we normally encounter. In the harvest season bread boxes around the months from April to May, organized a tribal ritual of manhood by Vanuatu in the Pacific islands.
Where is the young man who grew up required construction climbing wooden poles as high as 30 meters or more, then jumped from the top of the falling speed of approximately 72km / h. They are merely a holding vines made into a long rope tied only in both legs. Miscalculation means lives lost! Worse yet, in this ritual at least the head should touch the ground. This ritual has existed at least since the 15th century ago, the ritual aims to offerings to their gods for the harvest is abundant and also to prepare the youth mature to become a real man. 5. Sambia - Papua New Guinea Sambia tribe in the interior of Papua New Guinea has a ritual of manhood that is unique and extreme. At the beginning of the boys who were 7 years old will be separated from his mother and placed in a hut that all were male.
Once separated from the women, bread boxes young children will mengikutii some fairly dangerous rituals. The first is the bloodletting of the nose by means of a sharp grass thrust into the boy's nose until the blood flowing profusely. And then the children were beaten by many adult men. The second is that children may impose sperm drinking water from tribal elders Sambia. The purpose of this ritual is to strengthen their children and prepare them for life as a soldier. 6. Mandan hook hanging - Native American Native American inhabitants bread boxes were called bread boxes Indians have different rituals-different in the set
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