Saturday, April 25, 2015

January 27, 2014, 12:17 December 31 they woke up next. On one shelf of the bookstore

January 27, 2014, 12:17 December 31 they woke up next. On one shelf of the bookstore "Logvinov." Fresh as the morning room "Savbelki" and explosive as a double espresso. modern bread box Two first-books, barely managing to get out synchronously even in 2013 (but Giedroyc!). Conceptual adrenaline rush zmagarstva for pensioners and veterans of the underground-culture, "Minute" Igor Bobkov and the "glassware" Arthur wedge. It is best to consume at the same time - so perfectly formed overall puzzle.
Romance (s) with the age of coincidences does not exist. There is a secret logic. In that Bobkov philosopher and art activist Klinov simultaneously (although not the first time) turned to prose scale with a clear personal focus, there is a special truth. modern bread box True Finale general feeling that I want to mention how the Age Project.
Bobkov wedge - not just almost the same age. They built themselves modern bread box as persons through the resistance of the mental pressure of the dying Soviet empire - and shared with Belarusian bustling modern bread box 90th of all their basic illusions and hopes. After the Soviet "shastsidesyatnikam" while came the post-Soviet "devyanostniki" - the romance of the Renaissance and captains modern bread box discourse skaraspelyya media moguls and scandalous publishers rakenrola conscious leaders and local art adventurers. Epoch restart many promised new generation of heroes - and, as always, deceived. In the first role came to the military political commissars and the chairmen of collective farms. The Triumph of the Provincial Management turned the national creativity in the game of outsiders. Stars critical thinking embodied in intellectual guest workers and mental tourists. Art guerrillas modern bread box quietly went into fandrayzyngu pragmatic and self-promotion.
We are not a lost generation. We - a generation of tactical maneuvers, the authors deviations champions games in an abbreviated format. It sometimes even something impossible. But in every step of our present nostalgia for lost dreams, and we spent the plans. Life is almost gone, but the miracle did not happen. To understand this, you need to go in a different league - from inspirational young people in traumatic veterans. It is necessary to get the experience of defeat and try to somehow deal with him. New novels from "Logvinova" say is this: strong players in the cultural field, looking for a place in the new scenario, they are not fully calculated.
You can define the situation differently. We are talking about the loss of dominant positions. About synchronous devaluation public status intellectual and conceptual artist. On private choreography ambitious lone country total deja vu. Thus are born the existential lyrics about escaping and hiding. So make "empties" and "minutes".
When a novelist begins a verbal game on white paper, modern bread box he invites the characters modern bread box in your story that could tell her. Therefore it is extremely important is the question, "Who is this?". Through whom the author modern bread box refers to his presence in the product? Basically correlate of starting conditions, texts Bobkov and V of these questions are answered by a diametrically opposite way.
Babkovski lyrics elegantly rebuilt modern bread box as p \ `ECA in three acts by three voices: three fundamental characters - a poet, a singer and a fighter - each lead their party. Sometimes, come to the fore for a single solo, sometimes creating distinctive duets and trios. Meanings arise through interweaving of fate, feelings, thoughts. It is this polyphony has fundamental for understanding the "minutes", as the text Bobkov (which lack the cognitive markers of Belarusian destiny recent decades) operates primarily not as a protocol of some events, but rather as a collection of states of consciousness together.
Igor chooses modern bread box for the role of conceptual designer of the text, it refers to the situation - and very careful with words. Bobkov, obviously, deliberately deprived of monologues, manifestos, declarations. Heroes of the move - the author explains and recounts. It works almost like a silent movie pianist: indicates accents defines the mood, says unspoken. That all happened Bobkov need personal life and magic - because modern bread box a) "minutes" is not the main character, but there is a certain composition of figures, almost a chess etude, but b) pushes the characters to each one not knowing the rules of the game, and vice versa - the ability to timely take the supernatural. The author here - stsiplynaziralnik foam for a double espresso modern bread box Belarusian share.
Against this background klinavski approach modern bread box looks obviously simplified, not to say primitive. Somewhere like this: "Who modern bread box is a hero? Naturally, I am - an artist, a recent writer, fresh writer, bohemian fan shop, a specialist in "Egermaystaru" and races under Bregovic, magazine editor, a lover of lean girls, etc. Who is this? Clearly, modern bread box too, I said. About what? I'm talking about yourself and your life! OK, and a bit of the devil, and Piazza ... "
Indeed, anyone who knows the wedge agree - a book about it. Then sur \ 'Ń‘znaya problem bid solely on the cognitive texture turns (as it were) a literary text in the profane modern bread box novel-feuilleton. Choosing himself mainly neg

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