Section 1184 sleep
HACCP is English Hazard Analysic hydrometer test jar Critical hydrometer test jar Control Point "{is Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point} acronym, is an internationally recognized, ensuring food from biological, chemical and physical prevention system of hazards. It is produced US aerospace food production enterprises in the 1960s, and has been adopted hydrometer test jar by the Codex Alimentarius Commission of the United Nations and to the global markets. It is mainly through scientific methods and systems analysis and find endanger food production process, the identification of specific prevention and control measures and key control point, and the implementation of effective monitoring to ensure hydrometer test jar product safety and health quality hydrometer test jar of what is HACCP composed by seven principles: hazard analysis and identification of preventive measures; identify critical control points; establish critical limits; monitor each critical control point; establish the event of the occurrence of a critical limit deviation, hydrometer test jar corrective measures can be employed; establish recordkeeping system; Establish procedures to verify it first appeared in the 1960s, the United States Pillsbury Company to provide safe health food for the US space program hydrometer test jar to make their efforts When, pioneered the use of HACCP concept, the FDA decided to adopt low-acid canned foods in 1973. In 1985 the American Academy of recommendation should be adopted HACCP Administration, after several years of research and development, in November 1989, US Department of Agriculture Food Safety Inspection Service hydrometer test jar (FSIS), Bureau of Fisheries (NMFS), the Food and Drug matter Administration (FDA) and other agencies issued a "food production HACCP rules." 1990-1995, the United States hydrometer test jar have the HACCP applied to poultry products, water many other aspects of products, hydrometer test jar December 18, 1997 United States exports to the US seafood companies establish mandatory HACCP system, otherwise the product can not enter the US market. hydrometer test jar Meanwhile China, the EU, Japan, Thailand, Canada, hydrometer test jar Australia, New Zealand and many other countries have to learn to promote the application hydrometer test jar of HACCP knowledge payment date, HACCP has been a number of international organizations such as the FAO / WHO, CAC and other recognized as the worldwide guarantee food safety and hygiene guidelines. HACCP HACCP meaning and importance from a production point of view a safety control system, is the product from start to finished feed quality and safety assurance system, advantages if you use the HACCP management system is the most prominent are: 1, the food production inspection (ie test of whether the final product of substandard products ) is converted to control potential hazards in the production chain (ie, prevent substandard products); 2, the application with minimal resources, the most effective thing to do is the basis for the decision hydrometer test jar HACCP product safety, food producers use safety HACCP control products. The most accurate hydrometer test jar than the traditional use. The final product testing method to be reliable, but also as part of the implementation of prudent defense. HACCP as the most effective measures to control food-borne diseases have been recognized by the international and domestic, and are FDA and WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission approved the composition of HACCP HACCP quality control laws in the United States Pillsbwg company in 1973 developed the first control method . It is a food safety management system to ensure that this management system generally consists of the following components: 1, from the procurement of raw materials product processing all aspects of consumer harm that may occur are analyzed and evaluated. hydrometer test jar 2. Based on these analyzes and evaluations to establish a food from raw materials to final consumption of the critical control points (CCPS) of the whole process. 3, and establish effective procedures to monitor the critical control points. hydrometer test jar The advantage of this system is to guarantee the safety of the focus shifted from the traditional test of the final product to process and raw materials for quality control. This avoids the huge losses due to production caused by substandard products. Relationship HACCP and ISO9000 system is the International hydrometer test jar Organization for Standardization ISO (International Organization for Standarization) for short. ISO9000 system is:. "By all international standards ISO / TC176 Technical Committee." It is a three-dimensional network of some of the existing differences, they are linked to each other in a series of standard components, including the formation of an implementation guide, the standard hydrometer test jar requirements and audit oversight, and many other complete system. Its core is ISO9001-9003 quality assurance standards Series: To confirm the current corporate design, produce qualified products when the process control, selection and use of ISO9001-- design, development, quality assurance model production, hydrometer test jar installation and service; when you need to confirm the enterprise with the production of qualified products, process control, quality assurance model selection and use ISO9002-- production, installation and service; if only requires companies to ensure that the final inspection and testing to meet the requirements, you should choose ISO9003-- final inspection and testing quality assurance model. ISO9000 and HACCP is a preventive quality assurance system. ISO9000 for a variety of industries, but should only be used in the food industry HACCP emphasized to ensure food safety and hygiene. The main difference between the two is as follows: ISO9000 and HACCP ISO9000 ------------------- HACCP difference between project scope applies to all walks of life --------- ------- used in the food industry to meet the target to emphasize the quality of customer requirements ---------------- emphasize food hygiene, avoid consumer harm, in ISO9001-9003 standard enterprise three modes according to their own conditions to select one, and then gradually increase the operating companies can be based on market standards ---------------- country where government regulations hydrometer test jar or specifications (such as in domestic sales of the product , should be based on the Ministry of Agriculture promulgated the "aquatic product processing and quality management practices" production; production of product standards Content Standard content of products exported to the United States, it should be based on federal hydrometer test jar regulations, "the production and import of aquatic safety and health program") requirements covering hydrometer test jar wide, involved in the design, development, hydrometer test jar production, installation and service hydrometer test jar content hydrometer test jar is narrow, in order to control hydrometer test jar the production process monitoring object-oriented object no special monitoring ---------------- hydrometer test jar special monitoring hydrometer test jar object as a voluntary ---------------- pathogens from voluntary to mandatory gradual transition countries which currently Who row in the United States hydrometer test jar enacted mandatory HACCP seafood HACCP regulations and announced that since 1997 12 Since May 18 all aquatic exports hydrometer test jar to the US companies are required to establish the HACCP system, otherwise the case and its products can not enter the US market, although the HACCP system is not a zero risk system, but it is a food safety control system, it is not a system of independent hydrometer test jar existence. HACCP food safety must be based on the project to make it run. For example: Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), the standard practices (SOP), hydrometer test jar sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOP), due to a number of operations based on the HACCP standard, pre-HACCP is also applicable in so formed a relatively complete quality assurance system. Who know how to make the process to build this system, how to control, the examiner determined appropriately significant hydrometer test jar food safety hydrometer test jar hazards and how to break corporate control these hazards to verify HACCP plans to determine questions.
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