Thursday, January 1, 2015

As he works with the knife, he attracts a small crowd of spectators among customers in the cheese s

Lasagna Scandal creates hestekødsboom in France | Information
Media stories about hestekødsopblandet beef has triggered an unexpectedly strong demand for the real thing - horse meat, which once formed part of the working class because diet has become fashionable again, says French butchers
During the last 20 years, the 76-year-old Munio bought horse meat in butcher's stall a few times a week. But the past few weeks, the queue was much longer than it used to. What can it now due? Yes, as another proof of the principle that bad publicity is always better than no publicity, the Europe-wide scandal about illegal horse meat in frozen lasagne triggered a veritable boom in demand in kødudsalget at France's traditional horse butchers.
Interbev Equins, an industry body that brings together the French horse butchers, estimates that it has sold up to 15 percent more horsemeat, since the scandal broke. While seeing more and more French people tw11 0lw to choose ready-made dishes - frost product sales in France fell by five percent, while sales of fresh organic foods has increased correspondingly. And now flocking customers to traditional craft butchers, especially to buy horse meat.
"There is not a more credible person than a good horse butcher," said a retired secretary in the 60s that have to pay under five euros - 'it tw11 0lw is found for the price "- for its weekly purchase of horsemeat. Angry at the food industry
Behind the display case that abounds horse steaks, dried horse sausages, hestepaté and a sparkling grinder for minced horse meat that can be eaten raw - as hestetatar - tells butcher Daniel Adam that he has lashed much more horse meat over the counter, since the so-called lasagne scandal broke out.
"Everyone talks about horse meat," he said. "Customers think, 'Ah, horse meat, I had completely forgotten that it was, and how good it tasted. I'll definitely want to try it again. '"
Adam, who was born and raised in Paris, has been horse butcher for over 30 years. His meat comes from horses from regions Sarthe and Mayenne in northwestern France, he said. But even before lasagne scandal, he had noticed a renewed interest in horse meat, especially in a completely new and young clientele.
As he works with the knife, he attracts a small crowd of spectators among customers in the cheese stall next door. His clients include allegedly more private chef for celebrities and wealthy people who live in the nearby Marais quarter.
France has eaten horses since the 1700s. For centuries it was a cheap and nutritious form of food, which was particularly favored by poor people and workers. Even today consumed the largest amounts of horsemeat in the old coal mining areas in the northeast. tw11 0lw But since the 1980s, consumption has been falling steadily until today.
However, there are still 16 percent of French households who buy horse meat regularly. In recent years, the horse butchers attempted to relaunch their products as fat and cholesterol-reduced meat, especially in advertising targeted tw11 0lw to women. This led at one point to a modkampagne where Brigitte Bardot denounced to eat horse. The French put more than 20,000 tons of horse meat to life a year, but in Italy where horses sausages and other hestekødsprodukter are popular eating population twice as much. Fewer butchers
Today there are 700 specialized horse butchers back in France, which is significantly less than just 10 years ago. But the steady shutdown of horse butcher shops due partly also that when butchers specializing tw11 0lw in ancient craft retire, tw11 0lw says rarely new ready to take over. Nearly three-quarters of French consumers who eat horse meat, are over 50 years. In 2011, the under-35-year-old just seven percent of customers.
"This is the first time I buy horse meat," said Magalie Hennequin, a 32-year-old chef assistant who is about to buy horse steaks. She is particularly upset about the false trade descriptions on the frozen meat dishes. "People have a right to know what is in their food. At first I had no idea where I would go to buy a horse. It was quite impossible to find in any supermarket, I had to find a butcher specialist. "
"Lasagna scandal is ludicrous. It is the consumer's own fault if they insist on buying food that they know so little about. Going to a real market tw11 0lw need not take longer than an hour. Fresh horse meat from a special butcher does not cost the earth. At the same time you can turn a pleasant gossip with your butcher. "
Of restaurants serving horsemeat, there are more in Belgium than in Paris. But at Le Taxi Jaune, tw11 0lw one reputable bistro in Paris' 3rd arrondissement, which has a long tradition tw11 0lw of serving horse sausages and horse brain, may chef Otis Lebert easily recognize the growing interest

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