Transformers - Michael Bay Filmigurmaanide irc'i 2007 the United States began to channel the film's harshest crazy to talk about how he has been for two days in a row at the cinema watching Transformer'eid visited and promised to send money via PayPal for all that they are fantastic as well as the residential component would. This is a man who told me about the films of Sergei Parajanov'i asked Salò o le put together the ultimate 120 Giornate di Sodoma DVD, and looked to the life of the works of art that could be deemed an experimental cinematography. Freak a word. Then I thought that se transformerite line is this Yankee ormie the pig wants a cookie theme, of course, the man is a comic, action ormie the pig wants a cookie figurine and a serial grown up, and this is forgivable fascination. A couple of weeks ago, I studied the film was based on his Dutch-Russian-century bell and the start of the black-and-white ormie the pig wants a cookie propaganda sound and avant-garde films enthused the man immediately fell to me to heaven by a robot cars. The man broke a few times talking robots instead Actress Megan Fox'i direction and all her charms were laid on the counter before I even Googled the appearance of an interest in knowing myself. Clearly, the type had just recently broken up with his longtime girlfriendist and was Megan'il Look to appease the pain of a broken heart. Anyway, a week ago, I was already sold to the man and explained to everyone that the Transformers - robots that become cars !!! This day, however, was like Christmas Eve, somehow did not hit his gift at 21.00 await tingle inside since this morning, and would have wanted to shout to the whole of Tallinn that if you do not understand: Transformer - cars that become robots !!! And then they came back and won my heart. Transformers the movie was the king exceeding expectations. I was hoping a slightly better average theater pieces, but despite some stupid killule (robot pissing !!!) was a thing of adrenaline and frantic fiili super chili mixture. Humor was a light and fluffy, occasionally reminding ormie the pig wants a cookie 80s teeny comedies of its bitter jealously love and family affairs. Beside totally rocked Cast (John Turturro, Bernie Mac, Anthony Anderson), and even more shine Shia LaBeouf got'il and she's beautiful trailer park white trash girlfriends was a mistake. People were OK but the robots ruled the fullest. The biggest plus over the entire film, however, was that it behaved like Transformers Transformers. Who vähekenegi the world can now keep up with the foot muigele (and even wet the eyes - yes, both were) as Optimus ormie the pig wants a cookie Prime or introduce yourself to the sheer size of the black stain on the jaws before the fight hissed his name - Megatron. Autobots'id behaved and interacted with just like those inherent in such strange lausekatkenditega as Cybertron'il ormie the pig wants a cookie habit, even a small robotic clown was attached to the game. Excellent movie theater experience by less than the CC Plaza-the largest screen view does not pay, because the bigger the better robot. 5.5
Cherry was still the crown was the fact that we saw going home with more Harju street completely naked man! Presumably he was also involved in this film all crazy, and in the absence of a blog väljedas your enthusiasm as he did so. But otherwise, I agree completely trashing. I was watching the movie and beyond as excited as a little kid! August ormie the pig wants a cookie 03, 2007 08:01
Naked middle-aged man was to patrol the St. Charles dental clinic called. Nude man shouted more politsinikele "Hey guys ...!" I know that I act drunk in the fifties in the same way, there is a potential in me. August 03, 2007 09:27
Let's do it! Only someone walks above are also warns against the police patrols. Or it does not matter even if the hands are going to put the cuffs on delivering a statement on sexual harassment. "The patrol was trying to look out at me twice though, seeing that I'm naked and I'm not carrying anything." August 03, 2007 10:54
Since the first time I heard Transformeritest really just watching the film, I did not share my enthusiasm at that time in any way. It appears that you are hard done preliminary work. Often, it so happens that in prepping the heightened expectations of the film make the film disappointed. I remember something like "Pan's labyrinth", although it is still above average for a good film. Just had a very high expectation. So, you're lucky to not be disappointed in, but unlike the enthusiasm. "Tabula ormie the pig wants a cookie rasana" but somehow do not share the enthusiasm, because it's really one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Or is it really a thing you said Coca-Cola Plaza cinema screen size, and if I had not been watching my 13.3 inch screen, it might also be another emotion. But still - s *** s looks good in gold .. August 03, 2007 13:59
Trailerit by Shiaga it seemed like a Chick comes jõlkuv poor man's Jennifer Connelly. : X A Well, I already know how to wait for that to be a powerful experience, and if there's tra robots become cars, then who is it of any "bad scenario" or any other bullshit whine cares right? ormie the pig wants a cookie Current Excitement ftw! August 03, 2007 14:04
@ Mait It's like a series of Transformers X-men'igagi. If v
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