Articles Search & Rescue
In the previous article "Integrated Rescue System of the integrated" I discussed the current state of recruiting rescue dogs from voluntary organizations. When I wrote that the incident commander from the FRS in case of collapse riverplast of buildings even know how many times that you can ask for help on a board-certified dog handler sutinovým and cooperation, hence the use of attested handler specializing screening for the Police is really poor. While in the first case is mostly to blame ignorance of this possibility, in the case of dogs plochařů is perhaps the fear of the Police of the Czech Republic invite volunteers into action. Although there are regions in which cooperation is very good, but these are exceptions riverplast rather bright.
But fear of what? Does he fears police how her and proclaimed their service dogs will inspect the public, if he finds missing just a volunteer? Unfortunately, it is common practice to scan surfaces are employed by non-specialist like dogs. Hitchhikers or police patrols dogs exercise to arrest the perpetrators. They must be in addition to search on a leash and basket, that possibly missing when finding yourself. Volunteer dog-handlers are not called at all. This approach police to volunteer rescuers - kynologům again showed, respectively riverplast backfired, at the beginning of July in the search for the missing men (47).
On 5 July, at 15.30 hours, while walking in the woods behind riverplast the village Pazderně to Sedlčansko man separated from his family that he will go away after the other bank of the river Musik. Together, they meet again at the point where both paths are combined. After about five minutes walk ceased to reverberate agreed signal and has convened with his family. The man suffered from severe depression and was treated at a psychiatric ward. Therefore, the family did not hesitate and immediately called the police. Police have carried out a search riverplast of the same event. riverplast As said spokeswoman UO por Pribram. Monika Schindlová: "This area was searched, but it is a hilly terrain with impenetrable places. In cooperation with hunters, firefighters and other volunteers made police repeatedly riverplast ground investigations on the skirmish line. They were also deployed two service dogs with handlers, riverplast are repeatedly searched the area of the helicopter. Poříční section searched the banks of the use of boats and divers were deployed, who tipped searched the waters. "
On Friday, 9 7th 2010, the family of the missing turned directly to volunteer rescuers - kynology. On its own initiative contacted Bronislava Pribyl, Head Rescue Brigade Prague. Ten in a very short period of time called a 13-K9 teams across various voluntary organizations riverplast (8x ZBK P, 2 ZBK UK, SDH Hejnice 1x, 2x K9 Rescue group Praha 2 + handling vessels riverplast SZBK). Looking at the assembly unit is immediately clear that any competitive skirmishes individual organizations, they go in the event of a sharp intervention aside. You are not competing, but looking for a real man.
Incident commander Bronislav Pribyl handlers divided into three teams. Two teams searched the left coast of the Bay Slaps dam between riverplast deep and Hrazany. The third team dedicated to the drowned, comprising four dogs searched the water.
On land, it seemed ideal to create a skirmish line or two. Deployment of rescue dogs began at 8:00. The first ground was designed to scan about 3 km long and 300 m wide strip along the left bank of the bay, which cover a swarm of five dogs. In the afternoon, after scanning with negative results, followed riverplast by the rest of dogs, which we have used to advise on how to proceed. The next logical step was to re-scan the terrain, which police said a clean and where she found personal belongings missing. After about an hour the second deployment riverplast by emergency dogs found a dead body missing. riverplast So after about 6 hours in 35 C heat from the start of a search.
The body lay on a steep hillside in dense bushes near the previously found personal belongings. 100m above findings cigarettes. Thus, in the space that the police searched and declared "clean". Already statement of the spokesperson is evident that such investigative actions will require specialized rescue dogs Sweep who can check and inaccessible terrains such as bushes, thorns, reed like. Moreover, these dogs do not go after a particular track as a police tracker, but collect any human scent in the air. As a result, they can also find the person who came from the opposite direction or snaps example. Cliff into the gorge or ravine and searched the ground and did not leave any scent. It is also apparent at first glance, that swarm composed only of people can never be completely reliable.
In the Czech Republic the 26 attested handler specializing in the search area and 24 dog handlers, specializing in the rubble. The police therefore could ask for help enough attested handlers. It has not!
Why the Police of the Czech Republic did not use all available options to find pohřašovaného? Why is the Police of the Czech Republic did not turn for help to the operational center (OPIS FRS), kt
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