Renal insufficiency is the term given in the case of kidney failure in the performance of its functions, including the (blood purification from impurities harmful and control the amount of fluid that comes out of the body, controlling blood pressure through secretion of the hormone renin, walk in beer cooler regulating the rate of production of red blood cells, activated vitamin D, organizing degree the acidity of the blood).
Which leads to an imbalance in the human body and may lead to death. walk in beer cooler Causes of renal failure, injury, injury total acute and chronic inflammation, tissue damage college, diabetes, high blood pressure, taking certain medications without medical advice. Get used to eating habits undesirable. There are two types of kidney failure are acute renal failure and chronic.
There are five stages of kidney failure. During the first phase and reduced kidney function walk in beer cooler with few symptoms. In the second and third phases increases the need for care and treatment to relieve renal dysfunction. In the fourth and fifth phases: the patient usually needs to treat in the fifth stage requires dialysis or a kidney transplant. And it becomes necessary to impose severe restrictions on the patient's diet.
Considered the diet is an important part of the treatment plan. To put a proper diet for kidney failure patients in line with the health status of the patient, has to be coordination between the jurisdiction of the nutrition and the doctors involved. walk in beer cooler The following are general guidelines for diet:
Diet should provide a patient's need of calories. Increase the amount of calories will cause obesity, as well as the decrease in calories will push the body to break down proteins to compensate for the shortage of energy and do not use protein walk in beer cooler to build muscle tissue and causing weakness walk in beer cooler of the body.
When building a food program walk in beer cooler for a code of kidney failure patient, taking into consideration various factors such as, Does the patient infected with obesity or diabetes? It should calculate the amount of carbohydrates and fat carefully to avoid problems that may occur as a result of the multiplication or minimize them .othsp quantities on the basis of the need for each kg of body weight. It should avoid eating foods rich in saturated fat and cholesterol to prevent heart disease and atherosclerosis.
The body needs amino acids obtained from breaking down proteins to build new cells or repair cells. Rid the body of waste resulting from the representation of proteins (ammonia, uric acid) by the kidneys, in the case of kidney injury palaces, such waste will accumulate in the body.
The diet for kidney patients must provide that the amount of proteins necessary for the body's need, not increase to avoid the accumulation of uric acid .khash in the fifth stage of the disease (stage dialysis). Must reduce walk in beer cooler the amount of proteins. Calculated on the basis of the amount of protein needed each kg of body weight. The amount of protein is modified by the ability of the kidneys to work.
In the early stages of the disease, renal failure, you do not need to reduce the size of the fluid consumed. But in the advanced stages of the disease the patient needs to determine the size of fluid covered to avoid the accumulation of fluid in the body. The volume of fluids allowed depends on the ability of the work of the kidneys (urine volume) and on the ability of the ability of the fluid loss (sweating and respiration).
Must avoid foods that contain a high water such as soups, walk in beer cooler jellies, ice cream, grapes, melons, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, use cups smaller, avoid salty foods, live in places refrigerated to avoid drinking plenty of fluids.
The body gets the vitamins and minerals by eating a variety walk in beer cooler of foods. In the event of a shortage due to restrictions imposed on the diet, to be taking supplements containing vitamins and minerals under the supervision of a physician competence and nutrition.
Where given patient renal failure group vitamin B, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin D active, and must avoid the multiplication of vitamin C because it causes the deposition of Alaoxalat in the kidney, as well as avoid vitamin A because it increases the deposition of calcium and fat in the body, thus causing anemia. Which is one of the symptoms of kidney failure, so patients walk in beer cooler need to take iron supplements to make up the shortfall, or eating foods rich in iron (liver, beef, chicken, beans).
Salt (sodium) is a major cause of high blood pressure and heart disease. High salt intake causes fluid retention. Must reduce sodium walk in beer cooler in the diet helps control high blood pressure, and prevents the body from imprisonment liquids. You can not use salt substitutes because walk in beer cooler they contain potassium. Which must reduce consumption.
Normal potassium levels in the blood helps regulate heartbeat, walk in beer cooler high level of potassium may cause cardiac arrest. And also gives an indication of the defect in kidney function. walk in beer cooler So must minimize the potassium in the diet of patients walk in beer cooler with renal failure. There are foods containing a high proportion of calcium are advised to stay away from such Balah addressed, apricots, peaches, oranges, walk in beer cooler mangoes, raisins, bananas, melons. And also advised to boil the vegetables with water before cooking to get rid of potassium.
Requires a diet for patients with renal failure delicate balance between Alcalseyoum- phosphorus, since they are two important and play a key role in building bones, and as a result of a lack of vitamin D deficiency gets active in calcium. It is possible that calcium deficiency causes bone diseases in later years.
Also must minimize the amount of phosphorus in the diet of patients with renal failure. Because the kidneys are not able to get rid of excess phosphorus and then will accumulate in the blood. Which leads to a low level of calcium in the bones, making them weak, causing osteoporosis.
Control the balance between the two elements is a challenge to the diet of patients with renal failure because the increase in the ratio of phosphorus will be offset by a decrease in the proportion of calcium, so their presence in the same