Haradinaj is a former hygiene alimentaire Kosovo premier and commander of the operational group of the KLA Metohija. He, together with his uncle and his deputy in the KLA, Lahi Brahimaj and Commander of the Special Unit "Black Orli," Balaj were accused of Haškiot Tribunal for war crimes and crimes against humanity, murder, rape and expulsion of the Serbs, Roma and Albanians from Kosovo . His brother Daut Haradinaj was a commander of the 113-th Brigade of the ONA, which in 2001 deluvaše in Macedonia
The former Minister of Internal Affairs, the Hague prisoner and leader of the newly formed party United for Macedonia, Ljubo Boškovski, ten days ago was in Kosovo on guests Kaj ex-commander of the KLA Ramush Haradinaj. As we found out unofficially EVENING luncheon at Boškoski hygiene alimentaire sleduval just a few days after the Kosovo came to a meeting and among Haradinaj and the leader of DPA Menduh Thaci. For Tachi visit to Kosovo and communication with tamošnite leaders are nothing new, and Boškoski like to be seen with the former prison mate of The Hague. Unofficially, this is the first visit to Boškoski in Kosovo, in his return to Macedonia. Otherwise Haradinaj is a former Kosovo premier and commander of the operational group of the KLA Metohija. He, together with his uncle and his deputy in the KLA Lahi Brahimaj and Commander of the Special Unit "Black Orli," Balaj were accused of Haškiot Tribunal for war crimes and crimes against humanity, murder, rape and expulsion of the Serbs, Roma and Albanians from Kosovo. They are tovarea for murder on 32 Kosovo Serbs and Roma, CII bodies were pronajdeni in Radoničkoto Lake Kai Gloǵani. Haradinaj voluntarily he gave to The tribunal, due to the beginning of the trial he was allowed to defend himself from freedom.
A third in April last year The tribunal has released Haradinaj. Along with him was released and Balaj, and Lahi Brahimaj was sentenced to a prison term of six years due to relentless-treatment and interpretation is the prisoners. According to the Judicial Council hygiene alimentaire nedostasuvale evidence that these acts Haradinaj's naredil or them committed.
Ramush Haradinaj otherwise is the brother Daut Haradinaj, who was the commander of the 113-th Brigade of the ONA "Ismet Jashari", which in 2001 deluvaše Macedonia. Daut Haradinaj was also responsible for the training hygiene alimentaire of soldiers from Macedonia who are fighting for the KLA, and was commander of the special forces of the KLA. However these factors for brakata Hardinaj not go sprečija Boškoski, in his return from The Hague in a statement for Mediu to perform with pofalni words for Ramush Haradinaj hygiene alimentaire with whom intensive druzei in prison. E-Ramus intelligent man who can so easily be discussed. I am convinced that it is not an extremist and that will work on the stability of this part of the Balkans. Accusations of it are engineered stories and think that they have no connection with relnosta. hygiene alimentaire I know that zapoznav vigorous man and friend, said Boškoski.
Why is not my comment turns out the Web page? Leave a comment for the announced news All fields are required! From Whom: Comment: * Please hygiene alimentaire MSIS me ciphertext and press wash from Branko, 07.06.2009 10:27:11 Lube bese simpaticen with its depictions of Frontline. With these actions it is past. that has now elections, and polls show the rating, it is nisto. It may be the leader of the first izvrsitel no man. We is room for Mego 07.06.2009 10:27 | (42) | Like government from America, 07.06.2009 09:29:51 brother love is not a Member of Parliament and of the official in the government simply're zaminal on a private visit I do not know why a hard- Tolku great panika.dobar politician enemy has kept to himself a Friend higher you go Q: What is that mean? 07.06.2009 09:29 | (24) | Like the Bobby, hygiene alimentaire 07.06.2009 hygiene alimentaire 01:16:46 It is a same political whore to BC for money and Majkamu point you will sell those dangerous undertaker in Macedonia only confusion of Macedonia. 07.06.2009 hygiene alimentaire 01:16 | (41) | Like????? , 06.06.2009 23:54:23 crazy, confused and abnormal ......... zalna Macedonia!! 06.06.2009 23:54 | (30) | Like Zlatko USA, 06.06.2009 22:14:25 Ljubo Boskos not nikakov hero that only military profiteer who maimed just to do zbogatit, usually gjubre e, will make extreme certain amount steamed to extract it costs twice as mue objective all the time, you need to quit it gjubre Nazis, we made a mistake by now ama need to svestime 06.06.2009 22:14 | (19) | Like mile, 06.06.2009 18:41: 42 United for SDSM so I was supposed to be baptized party predavnikot as he was not ashamed to be missing from Buckovski that dobival money to defend himself in the Hague. 06.06.2009 18:41 | (26) | Like Risto Stip, 06.06.2009 17:35:40 Kakov brother hygiene alimentaire was luge! It is gavol preblecen in lamb koza.ZA haranjeto series of Stip, together with the already hygiene alimentaire pokojniot Velev is really tocno.Svescot the arms of Bulgaria (náročná hygiene alimentaire with a small point to why I do not sakam their policy) is true 99.99%. And this gavol so srekavanjeto and contacts with the bloodthirsty kucinja the war, only confirms the doubts about them frankiranata war with the Macedonian population are Albanian origin, and the Albanians of circumstances
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