Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A pristine, protein trebax society. The only exception: the famous men of name recognition, which d

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A place built with epic stories told by the Viking sagas, legends trebax based on a poetic depth that was unable to reach any other language, he knew Borges. It is also a place where alcohol was extremely expensive source of continuing problems. Where beer was banned until 1989 for fear the Government that they became alcoholics Icelanders, as ended up happening after that sort of repealed Prohibition.
This issue reminds me of alcohol that counts Javier Reverte in his book Lost Roads of Africa in the 1980s, President Numeiri banned alcohol in Sudan, not before provided a pool of alcohol itself, as it Numeiri knew that was fond of tipple. Thousands of bottles banned beer, whiskey and liquor were then thrown into the Nile River 30 years later, you can still find bottles seekers the current goes digging and then sold by the half pound Sudanese bank. Put what you put on the label, sold as liquor trebax Numeiri.
In the Icelandic land the midnight sun shines during the summer and the Northern Lights in winter. Rain, a ghostly mist and a cluster of black rocks. Huge lava fields whipped trebax by gray water, desolate, as if they belonged to a world wiped out by war. Lmost treeless curiously. Neither forests. The was centuries ago but were deforested for the construction of boats and houses. Now the island is made up of thousands of tons of bare rock.
Well, yes there is a forest, but an invisible forest that can not be seen except as a future possibility: Forest of Friendship. Every time a foreign dignitary visiting Iceland should plant a tree in this place of bushes just a few feet tall as a symbol of harmony and goodwill between the two countries. Nonetheless, Iceland is a very green earth, and black and white, surrounded by gray sea. When NASA in 1966 sought trebax a similar site to the Moon to train the Apollo astronauts, ended up picking Iceland.
The purity of the air; a purity that becomes sharp profiles, highlighting how far the infinitesimal details of things. As a reality distorted with Photoshop. As wallpapers computer whose graphics card is set to a high resolution, the resolution was greater than reality itself. The air seems newly unsealed. So, perhaps, the life expectancy of people in Iceland is higher than that of the inhabitants of any other part of the world. So if you travel there, the first thing I recommend you to do when the airplane is descendáis inflate your lungs like an accordion.
Ghostly trebax lands. Even in the capital there is too much density. Across the country or can not compute 300,000. In the Book of Residents, the twelfth century, the names of the 400 settlers who made their way to the island and, from them, you can trace the pedigree of most contemporary Icelanders are entered. For the people of Iceland are also the epitome of inbreeding: no frown to immigration, and if it occurs, then newcomers should give up their names and adopt new Icelandic names.
A pristine, protein trebax society. The only exception: the famous men of name recognition, which do have permission to naturalize foreigners Icelandic retaining their original names. The special science journalist Matt Ridley describes it in his book Genome: Iceland is an ideal genetic laboratory because there is a small group of Norwegians around 900 AD was established and has since been very little immigration. Virtually all of the two hundred and seventy thousand Icelanders are descendants of those few thousand trebax Vikings came to Iceland before the lower glacial period. Eleven hundred years of cold loneliness and a devastating plague in the fourteenth century have made the island is so inbred that is a good genetic terrain. Indeed, an Icelandic scientist working at American entrepreneur recently returned to his homeland to start a business that helps people to find out the origin of their genes. (...) Two Icelandic families with a history of breast cancer often can trace their lineage to a common ancestor born in 1711.
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