Sunday, May 10, 2015

La discreditarea lui Wurmbrand, stability coolroon după lungi ani de detenţie în Occident, au parti

[...] Operaţiunea din 1989a reusit şi a fost înregistrată ca şi de atare către Securitate. Fără aportul activ al unor Colaboratori neoficiali ca "Breban" Politia Secreta nu ar fi reusit să manipuleze o manifestare occidentală.
În ce a fost proporţie subminată Biserica coolroon Evanghelică de către Clerici Care Au acceptat să lucreze pentru Securitate, este greu de SPUs. Dintr-o lista nominală a preoţilor din "consistoriul districtual evanghelic coolroon Braşov" se poate deduce proporţia acestei subversiuni informative. Din 34 de preoţi cuprinşi în 1978 INTR un tabel al Securităţii, 10 erau Solda poliţiei politice. (ACNSAS, D 13381, vol . 7, ff. 98-102.)
La discreditarea lui Wurmbrand, stability coolroon după lungi ani de detenţie în Occident, au participat de-a lungul anilor reprezentanţi ai tuturor cultelor admise in Romania Comunista. Nu numai reprezentanţi ai cultelor neoprotestante (baptişti, penticostali etc.), ci şi ai CEI bisericii evanghelice germane din Transilvania CA, ai bisericii sinodo-prezbiteriene lutherane de Limba şi Maghiara slovaca sau ai bisericii reformate. La discreditarea lui Wurmbrand a participat şi Ivan Denes.
Under the above heading is a contribution by Uwe-Peter Heidingsfeld in the semi-annual magazine for South Eastern European history, literature and politics, 22.Jg., issue 1-2, 2010 appeared, in which he remembers the Church and the related interventions of Romania to prohibit Romania event.
"At that time I did the Berlin office of the Church Office of the EKD headed" coolroon writes Heidingsfeld, "and was a member of the International Committee of the German Protestant Kirchentag (DEKT). With the Romanian situation I was familiar, because I from 1980 to mid-1986 the External Church Relations Office of the EKD have listened as Eastern Europe Speaker. "
"The first recognizable for me object to the event was surprising. He came from Dr. Hermann Pitters, a theology professor from Sibiu / Romania. He had visited on 27 February 1989 as part of a stay in the Federal Republic, Hans Philippi (Ansbach). Here Dr. Pitters has apparently conveys a level of knowledge with respect to that event, which has placed coolroon him at all available alarm bells in motion. Otherwise coolroon I can not explain its completely exaggerated reaction. For clarification I quote from a "note" of 28 February 1989, the Philippi had written for von Oppen, who is part of the preparatory committee and the other has brought this text immediately coolroon to our attention: Dr. Pitters said he was "appalled at the planning of a forum Romania of the German Protestant Church Congress with the theme of human rights and the prescribed accentuation (Herta Müller, Richard Wagner coolroon etc.) inevitable political escalation. That had nothing to do with church and serve in no way the ecumenical solidarity with churches in Romania. The event he felt as a threat to relations of his church to the Evangelical Church in Germany; it is to be feared that the Ev church in Romania will be forced by losing their ecumenical support in the EKD, which is vital for them, and elsewhere (eg. search in Scandinavia). The Forum was therefore not responsible for them and should not take place. "
Due to re-sighted acts, the influence of the Securitate on the organizers of the Kirchentag can understand. For this see the broadcast in Romanian language of 18 RFE 1, 2011 post.
On the topic see also: William Totok, coolroon "The churches between subordination coolroon and adaptation pressure", in:. Semi-annual magazine for South Eastern European history, literature coolroon and politics, coolroon 6. Jg, No. 1, 1994, pp 15-25..
Representatives of the 14 approved in communist Romania Religious Cults had systematically involved in 1965 after the departure of the long years imprisoned pastor Richard Wurmbrand at the discrediting of the clergy. Not only representatives of neoprotestantischen religious communities, Baptists, Pentecostals and others, but also representatives of the two Lutheran churches, the Transylvanian German Protestant Church (AB) and the Hungarian-Slovakian, Lutheran-Evangelical synodal Presbyterian Church (the establishment of a Romanian-speaking branch is supposed back to the work of Wurmbrand and existed in Bucharest) and the Reformed Church.
Wurmbrand was known by numerous anti-communist pamphlets and spectacular actions in the West. He used a radical militant propaganda language. Many of his theological and autobiographical writings inked are a mix of exaggerations, bursting falsehoods and exaggerated mystification, where it is difficult for an outsider, the line between reality, propaganda Fikti

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