* Listen to Eduardo Saman Sep 30. 2013 - "The audio was a rude mounting new evidence of what he is capable of doing a Venezuelan opposition is in limbo ahead of the electoral process on December 8, playing with the pain still feel many Venezuelans by the departure of our President Chavez. " This was stated on the morning of Monday, the president of the Institute for the Defence of the People's Access to Goods and Services (Indepabis) Eduardo Saman, during interview with "Early Co. .." program broadcast World YVKE, due to the claim made recently by the head of state Nicolas Maduro Moros, with respect to an audio where reference is made to the voice of the Supreme Commander of the Bolivarian Revolution Hugo Chavez, as if alive. In this sense Saman said that "audio goodmans gdb300hd is an example of how sophisticated is this war is accompanied by a psychological, media, economic warfare, where the goal of the audio was to create distrust internally the Chavez people, amid the electoral environment, seeking fragment what could not do during these 14 years, the people want to face but they will not do it. " The president of Indepabis no doubt that the audio is a malicious assembly, which only seeks to create uncertainty. Fight against mafias Moreover Eduardo Saman said still heavily in the fight against speculation, and said he did not go against those working in the informal economy or called peddlers, but against the mafias that divert food chains supermarkets for hoarding goodmans gdb300hd and speculative. Also appealed to the people not to fall victim to the media campaign goodmans gdb300hd by some media that seek to magnify the problem, with respect to food and staples. "Certainly there are hawkers selling these products, but they are a minority, we are going is against mafias, and take the opportunity to reiterate the announcement made by the head of the High Authority of the economy, whether large supermarket chains do not increase their staff in cash registers, there are will be taken temporarily as a contingency measure, the Militia, to reduce excessive queues that have been presented in these establishments in recent days, "he said. This note has been viewed about 22734 times. source original of this document is: World (http://www.radiomundial.com.ve/yvke/) YVKE
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