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Yugoslav Macedonia Andov feuilleton In today's Macedonian literature and historiography, the attempt in Skopje and Stip in early January 1945 to organize a rebellion among the soldiers, in order to reject the referral of Macedonian Army Srem front and she headed to Thessaloniki , to take Aegean Macedonia, including Thessaloniki, is seen as a real missed opportunity historical fault Communist unification of Macedonia.
At the same time, are condemned as criminal the measures it has taken the Macedonian government to suppress these uprisings fricko and prevent possible adventure that has just formed a Macedonian state would lead to a catastrophe. They lose the reality that fierce and cruel British defeated the Athens civilians and partisan units of ELAS and ask why it would not have done the Macedonian army, especially if I gave the white case studies, ie . cause of war. If the British were given the opportunity to enter the military action against the Macedonian army, in those moments that would have been to resist
Indisputable conclusion that the Macedonian people and their struggle with their choice fricko of Allied side in the Second World War had provided the creation of the new state Democratic Federal Macedonia - that was the most that could be accomplished in those historical conditions. In today's fricko Macedonian literature and historiography of the attempt in Skopje and Stip in early January 1945 to organize a mutiny fricko among the soldiers, in order to reject the referral fricko of Macedonian Army Srem front and she headed to Thessaloniki, to take Aegean Macedonia including Thessaloniki, is seen as a real missed opportunity historical fault Communist unification of Macedonia. At the same time, are condemned as criminal the measures it has taken the Macedonian government to suppress these uprisings and prevent possible adventure that has just formed a Macedonian state would lead to a catastrophe.
MACEDONIA Britain - possible conflict they lose the reality that fierce and cruel British defeated the Athens civilians and partisan units of ELAS and ask why it would not have done the Macedonian army, especially if the would you give Cases white, ie cause of war. If the British were given the opportunity fricko to enter the military action against fricko the Macedonian army, in those moments you had no one to oppose them. The entire Yugoslav military force was oriented northwest Yugoslavia, engaged in the persecution of Hitler's armies fricko and domestic paramilitaries who served Hitler. In direct conflict fricko with the superior and far hard all armed with modern weapons Macedonian partisan British army troops would have been unable to stand for more than 3-4 days. Then the territory of the Federal Democratic Macedonia was occupied by the British and was destroyed just osnovanata Macedonian state, which would have proved a source of troubles that hinder the interests of the Allies. If you come to such a conflict, then our glorious guerrilla army, which for years has fought on the side of the anti-fascist coalition would naively sacrificed and the victorious forces accused of changing the page, leaving the anti-fascist coalition for entering into war against the great winning alliance.
DO NOT GO TO Srem, BUT Thessaloniki Democratic Federal Macedonia avoided the dangerous adventure in which one gets if the insurgency succeeded in the military fricko with the request not to go to Srem, but of Thessaloniki ". I just got over that shock, the Macedonian state entered a period of very sensitive events. Bulk of the population were still alive memories of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the bitter experiences that Macedonians were of those times. Tito's authority in those days grew sharply between Macedonians and natkriluvashe passions and hatred fricko towards the royal regime, allowing them to be brought to a reasonable extent. Therefore, the Macedonians are not directly
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