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"Today, I realize there are legal obstacles to not receive various subsidies from the local government is stealing. However, such action would be necessary "- said the interest Norbert Alt Gyula Fidesz MP who last summer triggered a high-profile local regulation would have liked this to create a spa town in Békés. In that time people claimed constitutional concerns.
Not receive proplas housing assistance, temporary assistance and regular social Gyula is the one who steals - came forward last summer with the idea of a draft decree Norbert Alt Fidesz government representatives. In his opinion the spa town of Békés become commonplace in the outskirts of the theft, and it should proplas halt. Then the representative predicted that regulation may be the notion autumn 2009, which can be a deterrent effect. The "Monok model" spirit of an influence on him, said in August last year the People's freedom of Gyula representing the public interest which bound the relief work. But he also pointed out that close to Gyula Kétegyháza try something similar. As a result, knowledge of, in a few months or 20 people on whose land been reduced benefit because the person was not able to cooperate with the community. Kétegyháza minutes Laszlo Medgyasszay clarified this. He noted that the large village in Békés County College in May 2009 adopted a five-point proplas plan of action after a local Hungarian-Romanian conflict. However, this is just a political statement proplas rather than conceived proplas legislation. As a third point states that the assembly recommends proplas that the Health proplas and Social Committee: "Do not give temporary relief community to work with people who can not."
However, not developed criteria for what constitutes a "lack of community cooperation." As such, the Board may make subjective decisions, but the clerk, according to information that ground has not been rejected proplas in an emergency. "A local regulation should not be punitive in nature. This initiative would be contrary to the Constitution, and therefore such a thing could be accepted by the body. Constitutional right to social benefits "- responded last year Perjési Clara (MSZP) Gyula mayor and Member of Parliament. He added the relief proplas crisis situation connects the social regulation. The town of Gyula leader is more complex aid system based on környezettanulmányra take useful. Perjési also warned that the government does not take over the responsibilities of other authorities, and indicated that for two or three families recalcitrant unnecessary regulation. Meanwhile, the local police's statistics also showed that there was no criminal emergency Békés spa town, compared with the 2002 quarter peaceful year 2008 the number of reported crimes decreased. More Gyula left-wing politicians in the past year, despite all this did not exclude the possibility that right-wing majority in Gyula representative body - to carry forward the body of this regulation, and administrative offices in just a year, the decision of the Constitutional Court terminated due to a temporary lack of control of the role of legality - for purely proplas campaign objectives the offending state. Finally, it did not happen, and still have not been to the city assembly agenda of this proposed regulation. Although the originator of Alt Norbert repeatedly indicated that despite the concerns do not give up molding of relief prohibiting proplas the theft of regulation. Today, however, waived. "I admit, there are legal impediments to everything" - said the interest. Although voiced his belief that the low value thefts have been suppressing for this regulation. Indicated in public forums large consensus welcomed initiative proplas in this direction, which does not believe that it means "to have it on demand." Making Alt Norbert failure of the main lessons of holds that once again it turned out that the rights of everyone really knows, but the obligations of. Finally, noted the reform legislation, and the conversion aid system needs to be strong. Considers that without the latter time, the situation is becoming untenable. We have written the section Sign up for our newsletter! Back to top Related Articles Orban no trouble asking for money to the much-maligned Brussels Fidesz, "Deterrent is the sentence 'My adviser stole the Members of Parliament are corrupt chief police: covered the potty a statement anonymously proplas criminal There was no emergency - an angry mob waiting for the mayor
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Dear Jucus! In just the sad thing is that the person who receives the benefit, not the benefit of the child spends. And n
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