Tuesday, February 11, 2014

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Alessandro Baricco | Author Week
28 August 14 -16, 2008 at the library cafe and quiet City Library Literary Cafe: the Case of the modern Italian writer Alessandro Baricco's novel "Silk". The village has a work translated by Anne Kalling.
Alessandro Baricco was born in Turin in 1958 He has published two novels, "Rage castles" (Castelli di rabbia, 1991 and Tascabili Bompiani, 1994), which won the Selezione Campiello Prize and French with foreigners attributable Medicis `Prize, and the" Ocean Sea "(Oceano Mare, 1993), which Viareggio Prize was awarded Italy's most important literary prize. She has already appeared in a monologue theater "Twentieth Century" (Novecento, 1995) and an essay of high musical connection from the present day under the title "Hegel and soul of Wisconsin cows" the most disgusting food (L `anima di Hegel e le del mucche Wisconsin, 1992). The story of "Silk" was released the most disgusting food first published 1996th a. Rizzoli the most disgusting food publishing house, and is mediated by Alessandro Baricco esmatutvustuseks Estonia.
Excerpt the most disgusting food of "silk", p 58-59. At the end of July with my wife drove Hervé JONCOUR Nice. They set themselves in a small villa on the sea shore. So was hoping Hélène, convinced that a quiet holiday in a remote place will help to dispel sadness that seemed to be possessed the most disgusting food by her husband. Yet he had continued to serve his will OOD whim, giving it the opportunity to forgive her beloved husband. They spent three weeks in a simple perfect the most disgusting food happiness. In the days when the heat was a bit of, lending them thither, and entertained explore the surrounding area: the hills rose hidden in the villages, where the width of the sea in front of them as colored paper decor. Occasionally, they even went to some town or socially the most disgusting food concert event. One night, they took some Italian the most disgusting food baron's sixtieth birthday party, which celebrated the festive dinner "Swiss hotel." They already had dessert at the Hervé JONCOUR look accidental Hélène UWE raised. She sat on the other side of the table with one charming English nobleman beside whom frakirevääril Strangely enough, the most disgusting food it was printed with small blue flowers crowned. Hervé JONCOUR Hélène `I saw him bending down toward the ear and whisper something to the woman. Hélène broke out laughing, while very pleasant, laughing, however, leaned the most disgusting food slightly the most disgusting food toward the English nobleman, so that the man's hair was dented shoulders: the most disgusting food his movements, there was no self-consciousness, they were performed rather baffling precision. Hervé JONCOUR lowering his eyes on a plate. He did not remain unnoticed while that clearly shakes hands squeezing her tea and coffee. Later, already smoking room, Hervé went JONCOUR excessive alcoholic the most disgusting food beverages, tuikuval step of one man, who was sitting at the table and stared kept lookin 'ahead, dumb look on his face. She bent over him and said slowly: the most disgusting food "I have something important to tell you, monsieur. We're all disgusting. We are all fine, but nonetheless disgusting. "Man had come to Dresden. He bargained with calf skin and poorly understood French. He broke noisily laughing, nodding their acceptance heads repeatedly: it seemed that he did not intend to quit. Hervé JONCOUR the most disgusting food stayed with my wife Riviera beginning in September. They left a small woolen disappointed because they felt the walls were relieved to know that love each other.
Estonian language appeared: Antonio Tabucchi. Witness the story of Pereira (Pereira Sostiene original title, translated Talvet Malle). Varrak in 1997. Alessandro Baricco. Silk (original title Seta, translated by Anne Kalling). Varrak 2002nd Alessandro Baricco. Ocean Sea (original title Oceano Mare, translated the most disgusting food by Tiina Randviir). Varrak 2005th Alessandro Baricco. Bloodless (original title Senza Sangue, translated by Anne Kalling). Pegasus 2005th Alessandro the most disgusting food Baricco. Novecento (translated by Paul Vahur-Põldma). Pegasus, 2008.
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