It seems that no matter how ignorant of the Bible people are, there is one verse that everyone bucket with spigot knows. No, it’s not John 3:16. Some people still don’t know that one; however, bucket with spigot everyone seems to know Matthew 7:1, wherein Jesus says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged” (KJV). In fact, the less of the Bible people know, the more they’re prone to know and repeat this verse. If we had a nickel for every time someone accused bucket with spigot us of “intolerantly” violating this verse, we could pay our server costs and possibly quit our day jobs. - Kim Olsen
Thursday Thunderings
Gathering Life
Stop Laura Fitterman
The Courier bucket with spigot Journal
Ivy bucket with spigot Green
Downtown Leighton, Alabama Business District After we published our blog on voter apathy and poll worker malfeasance in Leighton yesterday, a reader suggested we do more than report the problem to our readers. Current Colbert County bucket with spigot Probate Judge Tommy Crosslin pooh-poohed the incident of 50 District 5 voters receiving District 4 ballots. Since the buck stops with the probate judge, we would have expected bucket with spigot some promise of "getting to the bottom" of it, but perhaps Crosslin felt he couldn't comment further since he's soon leaving office. That brings us to Daniel Rosser. We supported, and support, Dan since we feel he's the most qualified for the position. We don't expect Mr. Rosser to do miracles bucket with spigot within 24 hours of taking office, but we do expect bucket with spigot more efficiently run elections in future. We hope to publish a comment from Dan shortly.
***** It would seem Leighton has more pressing problems than poorly informed poll workers. It's been reported that approximatley 50K in payments to Leighton's waste disposal department were co-mingled with water department funds and apparently never returned. Does one city department have to sue another city department in order to make this right? Again, the TimesDaily simply reported the situation, but asked no questions concerning how this happened and what was being done to correct it. The TD also reported that Leighton had 50K in overdraft charges during the past year. Just a thought here, but after around one or two thousand in such charges, wouldn't the town learn not to write checks when there was no money in its accounts? Novel idea, we're sure, but it's worked for us. Shoalanda
Ashley Fawn Greenhill: Guilty of Murder or Only Child Torture? Christie Bray Scott's Road to Death Row Delmer & Amanda Duboise Do Their Students Does the Mayor's Killer Still Walk among Us? Greg Wright - Murdered for Seventy Dollars Jennifer Hampton: Murdered by Illegal Immigrant Matthew Williams: No More Crusin' bucket with spigot on Woodward Avenue Murder in Lexington - The Shaun Shapley Story Roger Lovelace, bucket with spigot FloGas, bucket with spigot & the Law Ronnie Perryman--A Charles Manson Type Murder The Christopher Stanback Murder The Keith McGuire Rape Case The Liz Sennett Murder The Saga of the Reedtown Rapist The Strange Tale of Brandi Lee Campbell The Tommy Morris Murder: 24 Years Later Who Murdered Little Miss Sunbeam's Killer?
All material c. The Shoalanda Group LLC 2008-2012 Dedicated to keeping the public safe from sexual predators and those who defend them. We ask that you please contact us at shoalanda.speaks@gmail for information and permission to reprint blogs. Links are welcome.
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